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vowel sounds
alphabetic vowel sounds

relative vowel sounds
alphabetic vowel sound
they are the vowels that are pronounced according with the alphabet sound in a world
relative vowel sound
are the worlds that sound different in the worlds that the alphabet sound.
relative vowel sound special cases
when e world have only one syllable an there are two vowel sound letter, we must to pronouns the first on according with the alphabet sound and the second one is eliminated.

when the world finish with (y) is pronounced how it was a vowel letter and it is eliminated if the preceding world is a vowel letter.

if the world began have a (ow) the second letter is eliminated and the firs one is pronounced according the alphabet sound.
They are the vowel letters that only produce a sound.
Are the vowel letters that produce two or mor sounds.
When a wold is an adjective you must separate the syllable with the fires vowel (brU-tal) (E-qual)

When the world is a verb or a noun is necessary separate according the sound)
quality adjectives
big, famous handsome etc.
demonstrative adjectives
this, that, these and those.
distributive adjectives
both, each, every, either, neither etc.
quantitative adjective
some, any, few, many, much etc.
interrogative adjective
which, what, whose.
possessive adjective
my, your, his, her, its, our, and their.
order of the adjectives
quality, size, age, color, origin, made of, purpose and the noun.
paragraph composition
TOPIC SENTENCE (its the first sentence that show the general statement, topic and is the base of all the paragraph.

SUPPORTING SENTENCE ( develop the main topic, delimited the main topic to the central idea expressed in the first sentence)

CONCLUDING SENTENCE ( is a summarize that give the finish of the paragraph and doesn't give more or different information.)
types of pronouns
1. personal
2. possessive
3. reflexive
4. relative
5. interrogative
6. demonstrative
7. indefinite
article (The)
she can use this article when...

1. We are speaking about specific things.
2. When the things or objects there are.
3. When all the people know what or witch they are speaking about.
4. instruments of music.
5. transportation.
6. common or usual places.
7. places or things witch don't exist in another place.
8. group of people or when the adjective is used like a noun.
Consonant sound
Voicing sound and voiceless
stopped, friction and nasal.
kind of verbs
Aux. verb, action verb and linking verb.
linking verb
is a noun, pronoun or adjective that describe a subject.
describe a verb, adjective and another adjective.
how to do an adverb
1. adding LY in the end of the world.
2. if the world finish with a Y is necessary eliminate it and add ILY
3. if finish with L add LY
4. if finish with ABLE OR IBLE eliminate E and add LY
kind of adverbs
1. manner
2. time
3. place
4. frequency
5. certainly
6. degree
7. interrogative
8. relative