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The Renaissance is known as a period of cultural and artistic splendour in Europe, which arose in Italy in the early 15th century, and expanded across Europe during the 16th century. Florence, located at the north of Italy, was its birth place; where Brunelleschi first inaugurated the Renaissance style with the built of the dome for the Florence Cathedral.
The Renaissance gave rise to some of the most historic artists of all time, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Miguel Ángel.
The Quattrocento (1400s), refers to all the cultural and artistic events that occurred in Italy during the 15th century, the major period of the Early Renaissance. Some of the most well known artists of this period were Masaccio, specialised in perspective, with incredible works such as Trinity and The Tribute Money, and Botticelli, with mythological paintings such as The Birth of Venus and Primavera.
The Cinquecento (1500s), refers to the total of cultural and artistic events that occurred in Italy during the 16th century, period that belongs to the Late or High Renaissance. Some of the greatest painters in history, such as Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Raphael (1483-1520), or Michelangelo (1475-1564), form part of this period; creating great masterpieces and evolving new art techniques.
Mannerism is a style of painting, sculpture and architecture, that emerged in Italy, between 1510 and 1520, during the late years of the High Renaissance. Mannerism works as a bridge between the idealized style of Renaissance art, and the dramatic Baroque style. Mannerist paintings tend to be more artificial and less naturalistic than Renaissance paintings, and artists such as Tintoretto or El Greco, are loyal representatives of this style.
Perspective is the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other. There are many different types of perspectives used by artists in their paintings, those include: one-point, two-point, three-point, up to five-point and multi-point perspective, linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, and many others.
The Herrerian, is an architectural style that emerged in Spain during the second half of the 16th century,under the reign of Philip II (1556–1598).
This style is characterised by the geometric rigor, the absence of decoration, and its clean volumes. El Monasterio del Escorial in Madrid, or the Cathedral of Valladolid, are two examples of Spanish monuments with Herrerian style.
The Plateresque, was the main architectural style in Spain during the late 15th and the 16th centuries. There are numerous buildings in Spain that reflex the Plateresque style in their facades; amongst those we can find: the University of Salamanca, the Cathedral of Burgos, the University of Alcalá de Henares, and the Cathedral of Palencia. While the High Renaissance architecture was essentially based on a structural movement, the Plateresque branch focused more on the decorative side; this can be seen on their extremely stylized facades featuring the integration of sculptures, busts, and floral motifs.
The sfumato technique refers to a technique of oil painting, in which colours or tones are blended in such a soft manner that they melt into one another without perceptible transitions, lines or edges. The technique was popularized by the old masters of the Renaissance art movement, like Leonardo da Vinci, who used it to create atmospheric and dreamy representations on his drawings; such as on La Gioconda (Mona Lisa), one of his most famous paintings.
A fresco, is a mural painting executed upon a freshly layer of plaster. The fresco painting technique, commonly associated to the art of the Italian Renaissance, consists on painting with water-based pigments on freshly applied plaster. The elaboration of this type of paintings, requires a lot of practice and ability, as it is a very complex process. Its complexity is found in the fact that, the painter can only apply the paint while the plaster is wet, because if it is dry, it becomes unusable. The Sistine Chapel, one of the most visited masterpieces in the world, found in the Vatican City, was painted by Michelangelo with the use of the fresco painting technique.
A patron, is a wealthy or influential person that supports economically an artist or writer with their work. In the art context, the patron would be the person who pays the artist for the painting.