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3 Cartas en este set

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1st Part.
It was the day just after the apocalypse The sky was white; it looked like it was going to rain. I stood inside a mall, all the stores closed and others destroyed, the cellphone signs removed, the floor covered in blood. A line of people stretched far beyond the eye could see, and I could see my parents, my friends, my brothers, standing in the line. But they would not talk to me, They stared forward with a somber face. It was silent.
2nd Part.
At the front of the line was a machine It was huge, It must have been 10 meters wide, and was pure black with red highlights, The front had a mouth, wide open and jagged teeth with stairs leading up to it. The line moved, the first one jumped in. Grinders in the machine made ground meat of him. The line moved slowly No sounds made by anyone. No crying, no screaming, just silence. It was just a formality.
3rd Part.
Then I left crying from the Mall and the environment was catastrophic I saw a lot of corpses without Arms, Without legs, Even without heads the first thing that I thought was “I will Die today” And suddenly I felt a bullet going through my stomach, And is the last thing that I remember Because then I woke up Very happy why? Because it was only a Crazy, very crazy dream. And really I don't know why I had that dream really I don't know, maybe because it will happen in the future But believe me I don't wish that