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which genre was used to narrate events that happened in the past of a nation?
the epic genre
what are the characteristics of the epic genre?
*it makes an exhilaration of the heroes of the past and re lives their adventures in a glorious way that sometimes can be fantastic.
*it is told through large poems
which epic poem is representative of the Hindu's culture.
the Mahabharata, an epic poem of over 200,000 verses.
which word is sometimes used as a synonym of "epic"?
epic poem characteristics (that are in most poems).
♡mixes the legends with history, causing the myth and reality to look like they're the same.<br />
♡it was verbally spread<br />
♡ there's an invocation to a muse.<br />
♡ the use of epithets <br />
♡ the gods coexist with humans.<br />
♡ornate language is used.<br />
♡ there are a lot of literary figures, such as comparisons.
who where called aedos?
the poets who were taught to recite poems for important aristocrats
what's an epithet?
it's an adjective (or phrase that works as an adjective) that's used to magnify or enhance one of the noun's features.
what refers to the "story"?
the actions and events that happen within the text. besides it's narrated in chronological order.
what is a literary discourse?
it's the communication process in which the language is comprehended.
elements of a literary disclosure.
it has: *an author (who tells the message),
* an event (what happens within the story),
*a receiver (the reader).
In which ways can the literary disclosure be written?
verse and prose.
difference between verse and prose.
the verse has rhythm, cadence, and meassurement. It is written in lines, and it may or may not have rhyme.
In the other hand, the prose has a common structure and doesn't have verse or rhyme.
In which way are written the epic texts?
in verse.
What refers to "theme"?
it refers to an idea that appears in the text and that is central, but the author doesn't state it explicitly.
what is the epopee?
is an epic subgenre, in which the stories of a hero are told in a poetic narrative.
the facts are narrated but the structure is in verse, that happens in the...
examples of epopees.
gilgamesh, the mahabhrata, the ramayana, the illiad and the odyssey.
which culture corresponds to this description: "is a country in which the prestige of the language has always supassed the arms; symbolic is the fact that the first heroes that appear in this history (...) are wise men"
Chinese culture.
which were the beginnings of the Greek epic?
the bucolic themes: pastoral poems and songs.
characteristics of the illiad.
it has over 15,000 verses; Characters: Achilles, Agamemnon, Paris, Hector, Patroclus.
Also, in this work the Gods have a really important participation, since each of the deities decides to support a different character.
the Aeneid...
was the text of the romans, that was trying to emulate the great adventures of the Greeks, in which Romans praise to Rome and its emperor.
When started the middle ages?
when the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 a.d. and ends with the fall of Constantinople in 1453.
elements that influenced the literature in the Middle Ages.
the crusades, because the main characters were warriors who fought for their country and their faith.
Characteristics of Middle Ages' literature.
the genre that proliferated was the epic (both written and verbal).
Epopees were called "songs of the heroic deeds"
The stories didn't have a single author, a community composed them.
Why were helpful the "songs of the heroic deeds" in the Middle Ages?
because they helped societies to create a national identification, and at the same time set their political, geographical and cultural characteristics.
Characteristics of the poem of the Cid
it was written in the mid-twelfth century (roughly between 1140 and 1157).
*It was based on a real person named Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, who lived from 1043 to 1099.
Parts of the poem of the Cid
1. El destierro (the exile): he is expelled by King Alfonso VI because he is accused of treason.

2. las bodas de las hijas del Cid: the king is repented for having banished the Cid and tries to mend his actions. His daughters marry the infants of Carrion.

3. la Afrenta de Corpes: the infants beat and tie up Cid's daughters, so he calls for justice and the infants are captured.
Characteristics of the song of the Nibelungs.
it's called the "german illiad". It was written between the late 12th and early 13th centuries.
Its author is unknown.
It tells the story of the ancestors of the germanic people.
Characteristics of the song of Roland.
it has 4002 verses, distributed in small stanzas.
It's believed to be inspired by an event suffered by the army of Charlemagne, at 15 august from 778, in the gorge of Roncesvalles, where the nephew of Charlemagne (Roldan) died.
how are epic tales told?
they're narrated; they are telling a story and actions are happening within it.
it is set by the manner in which the events are presented, they don't necessary occur chronologically, but the way they happen in the text.
The plot is how the author decides to tell the story.
what is a line theme?
is a theme that's set in different texts. Sometimes these works have (in addition to the theme) one thing in common, sometimes they're written by the same author, belong to the same geographic region, etc.

Or even, the composition can be set in sagas, where the same subject is described under different angles.
For Gonzalez and Fournier, what is renaissance?
"is the transition between the middle ages and the modern age"
what happened in the Renaissance era?
medieval school's paradigmas broke and classic thought and humanistic ideas tried to blend together.
Men tried to get rid of religion, since they didn't find it useful and movements like Lutheranism and the Reformation appeared.
Changes of art in the Renaissance era.
the painting became a tool for philosophical proposal and analized human body as something beautiful.
Who was William Shakespeare?
An English playwritter, writter, etc. who changed theater forever and that is considered one of the most important writers of literature.
Genre of Shakespeare's plays?
Tragedy (Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet),
Comedy (A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice)
Historical dramas (Henry IV, Henry VIII, Richard III).
General characteristics of Shakespeare's plays?
• The stories show the past of the protagonist's life.
•The hero dies.
•The future of the hero is destroyed by terrible events.
. The innocents suffer.
which were the principal themes that marked Shakespeare's works?
love, hate, greed, jealousy, evil, justice, and revenge among others.
difference between a writter and the narrator.
The author is a real person, the narrator, a fictional character.
The narrator is the one who tells the play; deciding what to say to the reader and what to hide from him. The narrator may be one of the characters in the play or an outsider.
"protagonist" narrator.
Is the one who tells in first person his own story, and it's also the main character.
"Secondary character" narrator.
He tells what he hears and sees. He can be part of the story he's telling, but he's not the main character.
Omniscent narrator
It's a narrator who knows everything about the characters (their past and thoughts) and what's going to happen in the story.
Second person narrator.
The story is told in a way that seems as if the narrator is speaking directly to the reader.
Main character:
is the protagonist of the story . The focal point of the text will focus on him and what is happening around him.
Secondary character:
participation is lower than the main character, yet they are an important part of the story. Usually helps the protagonist to achieve his goals.
Incidental character:
is the one that appears only once in the text and meets a particular purpose. It can influence the protagonist or not.
Environmental character:
is the one that helps to place where the story is unfolding.
*For example, if the text is set in a hospital, the logical thing would be to have patients, doctors and nurses.
Static character:
is the one that does not change throughout the narrative. At the end of the story he will not have learned anything and will remain the same.
Dynamic character:
a character that, at the end of the story, changed positively or negatively.
Round character:
we know a lot of character through the way they evolve. It is likely that the reader knows the character's past and that past justifies the actions of the present. They are also called two-dimensional.
Plain Character:
we only know few characteristics of this character and throughout the text remain the same. They can be guided by one thing (goodness, evil, anger, laziness). Also you can call them one-dimensional.
when started the spanish golden age?
with the birth of Cervantes 1547 and culminated with the death of Pedro Calderón de la barca in 1680.
when did Cervantes published the quixote?
in 1605
was there a second part of the Quixote?
in 1614 Alfonso Fernandez de Avellaneda wrote an apocryphal second part of the novel, in which he mocked the characters of the Quixote.
But in 1615 Cervantes wrote a second part in response, killing The Quixote, so that nobody else could do the same as Avellanedo.
how started the "idea" of The Quixote?
It began as a parody of the novels of chivalry
Characteristics of The Quixote
it's considered as the first modern novel.
It mixes several narrators.
It uses the resource of a novel within the novel (?)
In the novel there are two worlds (Sancho Panza's reality and Don Quixote's fantasy).
One of the most important dramatists during the spanish golden era:
Lope de Vega, also known as the creator of the new comedu in spain. he made theater more appealing to everyone, regardless of their social position.
Characteristics of Lope de Vega's works:
he wrote over 1000 plays but only 400 are preserved.
He renewed the theater, breaking the units of conventional theater, he didn't care about rules and did what he thought was best for his plays.
what was the "nickname" of lope de Vega
Phoenix of wits
Plays Lope de Vega wrote:
fuenteovejuna, el maestro de danzar, la dama boba, la viuda valenciana, el acero de madrid.
Features of Lope de Vega's theater:
The theme was often a national topic.
Spanish pride standed out as something heroic
They exalted religion and honor.
The language was natural and expressive.
Who was Culteranism's (gongorism) greatest exponent?
Luis de Gongora Y Argote
Characteristics of the Culteranism poetry.
In the poems there are many references to mythology, metaphors and comparisions.
They couldn't be understood by all audience, so they were cataloged as garbled and confused.
Who was another famous spanish poet (besides Luis de Gongora)?
Francisco de Quevedo.
Characteristics of Quevedo's work.
He used to mock the circumstances of his era, causing other poets and him were constantly fighting, criticizing each other through articles. Luis de Gongora was one of the characters he scoffed.
It was a style where there was more important the idea behind the words. Quevedo used puns, strong images, and clever use of words where comparisions and smiles were usual.