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Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Catch Out

Don't you ever dare copy in her exams-she'll catch you out.
Bring Back
Devolver, restaurar, traer recuerdos, revivir

This video tape brings back a lot of memories of my childhood.
Cheat On
Ser infiel -A survey revealed that 3 out of 10 Argentine women cheat on their husbands.

Copiarse/hacer trampa en un examen- The teacher realized that Jim cheated on the exam.
Pull To
Cerrar una ventana o puerta en dirección hacia tí

Would you be so kind as to pull the window to?.
Fall In

Caerse, desplomarse- John warned the kids not to enterthat room when the roof fell in

Alongside / beside- comenzar a caminar al lado de una persona o grupo de personas- When Sue left, Nelson fell in alongside her trying to get her number.

With - encontrarse por casualidad- I fell in with Sandra and I invited her for a cup of coffee.
Let Into
Permitir a una persona o animal entrar a un cuarto o edificio generalmente abriéndoles la puerta

The butler let the guests into the castle and took their coats.
Look Away
Apartar la mirada

Claire looked away from her book when she heard Tony coming.
Pull Ahead
Tomar la delantera, ponerse por delante

At the last minute Tony pulled ahead and won the race.
Stand About / Around
Esperar, deambular

Those suspicious men are always standing about in the street at night.
Eat Up
Comer todo

You won't go out with Peter until you eat up your lunch.
Figure Out
Comprender, resolver

We're trying to figure out why Timmy is acting so misteriously.
Fill In
Agregar información, completar un formulario, etc - Just fill in what I have marked in the form.

For - sustituir, reemplazar- Francis will fill in for Tess while she is on maternity leave.

On - dar información que alguien desconoce- The witness has filled the jury in on new data about the case.
Do In
Extenuar- John is done in, he has been working for thirteen hours.

Matar- A witness said that the man had been done in in the house.
Pull Back

By order of the Commander-in-Chief, the troops had to pull back.
Run Around
Ir corriendo de aquí para allá- The waitress has been running around all night, the bar's full.

After - hacer un montón de cosas
por alguien cuando deberías hacer más por tí mismo -Jo's always running around after Dan but he doesn't seem to mind.

With - salir con, juntarse con, andar con- I saw your sister running around with the new kids of the block.
Put Through

I'll put you through Susan's extension so you can tell her yourself.
Stand Out
Sobresalir, destacar- At the station, there's a huge sign that stands out at the entrance.

Against - oponerse a algo- The Congress will pass a law which I strongly stand out against .
Turn To
Pedir ayuda o consejo- Paul needed a piece of advice, that's why he turned to me.

Comenzar a hacer algo malo generalmente porque eres infeliz- After losing his job Sam turned to drinking.
Act Up
Comportarse mal -Children usually act up in class and throw tantrums.

Relacionado con dolor físico: fastidiar- After playing voleyball, my forearm begins to act up.
Ask Over / Round
Invitar a la casa a cenar/para reunirse

I think I'll ask Peter and Mary over this weekend for lunch.
Deal With
Manejar exitosamente- I can't deal with this situation. I just can't take it!

Tratar, abordar- My new book will deal with the conflict between the East and West.

Follow Up
Llegar a una conclusión, averiguar algo más de algo o tomar acción conectada con eso

I will follow up your advice and I will pay Susan a visit.
Fill Up
Completar formularios, etc- Before the interview fill up both forms and give them to me.

Llenar completamente- I can't save the file, I think I have already filled the disk up.
Calm Down

Don't be so upset about having lost the match. Try to calm down!
Bang Away
At/on - trabajar arduamente en. Uso informal

Susan banged away on her essays and finished just in time to hand them in.
Turn Back
Volverse, hacer regresar, devolver

We'll have to turn back to the house. I forgot my bag on the table.
Throw Off
Quitarse a prisa, librarse de

You must stay in bed for a few days if you want to throw off that cold.
Take To
Encariñarse con alguien, aficionarse a

Alice took to Paul from the moment she met him.
To Be Well Up On
Saber mucho de algo

Laura is a real culture-vulture: she's well up on everything related to art.
Goof Off
Hacer fiaca, tener pereza

After studying for weeks we deserve to goof off all weekend.