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Pick... out
Pick out/ picks out, picked out, picked out, picking out.

Mike's dog had puppies, and he asked me to pick one out.
When you choose something from a group because you prefer it to the others in the group, you picked it out.
Have you picked out a dress to wear to the wedding yet?
pick out/picks out, picked out, picked out, picking out.

Even though the class photo was fifty years old I picked my father out easily.
When you are able to find and recognize something in a group, you pick it out.

The police detective, asked me if I could pick the mugger out from a group of photos.
Fill in/ Fills in, filled in, filled in, filling in
Maria filled in the job appication and gave it to the secretary.
Llenar un documento
when you fill in a form , you put information in the correct spaces.
Fill out is the same as fill in.

The teacher gave us the test and told us to fill the blanks in the correct answers.
fill in/Fills in, filled in, filled in, filling in.
Something interesting happened while you were gone. I'll fill you in later.
Dar informacion
When people want or need more information about a plan, situation, or ocurrence and you suply the information, you fill them in.
I fell asleep during the meeting. Can you fill me in?
Fill in (for)
Fill in/ fills in, filled in, filled in, filling in.
The regular bartender is on vacation, so Todd is filling in.
Cubrir a alguien en su trabajo.
When you temporary do someone else's job, you fill in for that person.
She's the star of the show. No one can fill in for her.
Kick back (informal)
kick back/kicks back, kicked back, kicked back, kicking back
It's been a tough week. Tonight I'm going to kick back and watch TV.
When you kick back, you relax,

Let's kick back and watch the football game tonight.
Screw up (informal)
screw up/screws up, screwed up, screwed up, screwing up.

I tried to fix my computer, but I couldn't do it, and I just screw it up instead.
hacer algo mal.
When you damage something or do something wrong or badly, you screw up or you screw up what you're doing.

Mark sent his wife an e-mail that he had written to his girlfriend. He sure screwed up.
Get along. (with)
get along/ gets along, got along, gotten along, getting along.

Jim and his cousin aren't good friends, but they get along.
Llevarse bien con alguien.
When you get along with people, you have peaceful, harmonious relantionships with them.

I haven't gotten along with my neighbors for years.
Chicken out (of) [informal]
Chicken out/ chickens out, chickened out, chickened out, chickening out.

I was going to ask Heather to go to the dance with me, but I chickened out.
no seas gallina, miedoso.
When do you not do something because you are afraid, you chicken out or chicken out of it.

Miguel is mad at himself because he chickened out of asking his boss for a raise yesterday.
Burn out/ burns out, burned out, burned out, burning out.

These new bulbs are guarenteed not to burn out for ten years.
quemarse un foco o apagarse una lumbre
When a light bulb stops producing light because it has reached the end of its useful life, it burns out. Or when a fire, or other flame stops burning because it has no fuel, it burns out.

We need more wood. The fire has burned out.