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Which are the colours of the LGBTI flag?
Red, orange, yw
What does the I of the LGTBI acronym mean?
What does the acronym t mean lgtbi?
In what year did the events of Stonewall occur?
A famouse gay marriage?
Elisa & Marcela
Elisa & Marcela
Where in the past do same-sex marriages exist?
In Ancient Rome and Fujian Province of China
In Ancient Rome and Fujian Province of China
Which countries have the death penalty for belonging to the lgtbi collective?
Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudán, Arabia Saudi , Irán, Afganistán, Pakistán.
Mauritania, Nigeria, Sudán, Arabia Saudi , Irán, Afganistán, Pakistán.
In what year did the Notting Hill Riots occur?
Name one type of xenophobia
Religious Intolerance
Religious Intolerance
What religious conflict existed in Europe in the past?
Protestant and Roman Catholic Christians
Protestant and Roman Catholic Christians
Name types of religious communities.
Baha’is, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Rastafaris.
Baha’is, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jews, Muslims and Rastafaris.
Which people were persecuted by the Fascism ideology?
The minorities, the raciallu impure people (black people, the Jewish, the Slavic, The Gypsy, the Latins...)
The minorities, the racially impure people (black people, the Jewish, the Slavic, The Gypsy, the Latins...)
What is a form of control?
Violence and abuse (psychological violence)
Violence and abuse (psychological violence)
What is the consequence from suffering psychological violence that differences the real victims from the fake ones?
The Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
The Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
How is called the difference of money between women and men when women get pregnant and both stop working?
The "motherhood penalty" and the "fatherhood premium"
The "motherhood penalty" and the "fatherhood premium"
How is called the "perfect race"?
The aryan race
The aryan race
Between who members were the tensions during the Notting Hill Riots?
Between members of the white working class and the new Afro-Caribbean residents
Between members of the white working class and the new Afro-Caribbean residents
Why does Trump want to build a wall?
Because he believes inmigrants are the real guilties of the decadence of the US
Because he believes immigrants are the real guilties of the decadence of the US
Which is the purpose of the Trump Wall?
Stop inmigrants from coming to the country
Stop immigrants from coming to the country
Why does women not seek help while they are suffering from gender violence?
Because of shame
Because of shame