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Wilga Rivers
Real communication involves ideas, emotions, feelings, contextualisation and adaptability. The conventional English class hardly gives the learners an opportunity to use language in this manner.
An attractive alternative is teaching English through drama. "The drama approach enables learners to use what they have learnt on book", oportunity to use the language in operation.
Drama also fulfils socio-affective aspects, body language, creativity and improvisation.
Advantages of using drama, acting out and simulations (author)
G. Roth:
- inhibitions
- creativity and imagination (Jeff DeGraff and Koestler)
- atmosphere (Krashen and Lozanov)
- fun and variety
- language forms
- learn by doing
- social skills
- self-esteem
Drama elements (author)
Wessels: (creating the right atmosphere)
- Relationships
- Physical environment
- Warm-up
- Time limit
- Roles (teacher and pupils)
- Most cooperative students...
Drama techniques
1. Drama games (contibutions and advantages [action, imagination, conscious/unconscious, non-verbal]) and examples
2. Mime. definition and examples
3. Simulations. Definition and examples
4. Role-plays. Definition and examples
5. Dramatized stories and tales. def and ex
6. Using sounds. def and ex
7. Changing the dialogue. def and ex
8. Pronunciation. certain actors
9. Improvisation. previous activity
10. Video. ex
Performance of a real life situation without effort of showing that you are adopting a different personality. Design situational simulations for children.
Dramatisation (author)
Dangerfield: an activity for which the context and the roles of the students are determined by the teacher, but in which students have freedom to produce language.

Performance of a real life situation using gestures, mimicry and body language to make your audience believe you are adopting the role of the character.
3 categories
Short stories
Short stories can be acted out in a relatively easy way. 1 pupils listen and read the story. 2 pupils dramatize in groups. 3 improvise. examples.

Advantages: integrates all the skills, familiar with, language in context, literary competence.

How to choose the right story:
- simple short storyline
- level of competence
- action stories
- short and memorable dialogues
A bit more complex. Humour is different. They cannot be translated... Comics (toondoo.com)
Groupwork for creative activities
develop social values, positive acttitudes (cooperation and respect)

-Collaboration: working together, similar competence, task divided into parts.
-Cooperation: solidarity, help, mutual respect (interaction, equal participation, positive interdependence, individual responsability)

Maintain the groups for cohesion. Heterogeneous. Roles (responsible, secretary, supervisor, motivator).

Groupwork for teaching... group cohesion, contents, groupwork itself

It is compulsory O17thM art. 4
The dramma project
In a drama project pupils will learn from their peers, helping each other and developing strategies for cooperation and social skills. Also it develops communicative competence (Canale and Swain subcompenteces)

Disadvantages: willing students is better, time-consuming and effort
Role of the teacher
Byrne (conductor, organiser, stimulator, facilitator)
Pupils roles (active, autonomous and conscious about their own learning)

Drama lesson should be strictly timed and controlled. Provide a sense of progression.