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in a very expensive and comfortable way
luxuriously adv

The hotel was luxuriously decorated.
The hotel was luxuriously decorated.
Viajar por tierra (auto, bus, camión) por largas distancias o mucho tiempo.

travelling in a car, bus, or truck, especially for a long distance or a long period of time
be on the road
biː ɒn ðə rəʊd

We’ve been on the road now for five hours.
We’ve been on the roadnow for five hours.
Manejar una negociación difícil.

to argue in a very determined way in order to reach an agreement that benefits you
drive a hard bargain
draɪv ə hɑː(r)d ˈbɑː(r)ɡɪn

John drives a hard bargain when he's travelling abroad.
John drives a hard bargain when he's travelling abroad.
Seguir un itinerario (plan de viaje).

a plan of a journey that you are going to make, including information about when and where you will travel
follow an itinerary
ˈfɒləʊ ən aɪˈtɪnərəri

Samuel like to follow an itinerary when we're on holiday.
Samuel like to follow an itinerary when we're on holiday.
Tener un mejor asiento en el avión o una mejor habitación de hotel de la que pagaste.

to get a better seat on a plane, or a better hotel room, than the one that you have paid for
get an upgrade
ɡet ən ˈʌpˌɡreɪd

You can sometimes get a free upgrade with certain airlines.
You can sometimes get a free upgrade with certain airlines.
Cuando alguien te engaña, miente o hace trampa.

when someone has tricked, lied to or cheated you
get taken for a ride
ɡet ˈteɪkən fɔː(r) ə raɪd

I got taken for a ride by someone I really trusted.
I got taken for a ride by someone I really trusted.
Lejos de los lugares que la gente visita normalmente.

far away from the places that people usually visit
go off the beaten track
ɡəʊ ɒf ðə ˈbiːt(ə)n træk

We had to go off the beaten track to get away from all the tourists.
We had to go off the beaten track to get away from all the tourists.
Seguir la corriente. Hacer lo que otros dicen, relajado y fácil de llevar.

to be happy to do what other people decide as you are relaxed and easy going
go with the flow
ɡəʊ wɪθ ðə fləʊ

On holiday I usually just go with the flow.
On holiday I usually just go with the flow.
Irse o empezar un viaje.

to leave, or to start a journey
hit the road
hɪt ðə rəʊd

We need to hit the road early.
We need to hit the road early.
Ajetreo y bullicio. Actividad ruidosa en lugar con mucha gente.

a lot of noisy activity in a crowded place
hustle and bustle
ˈhʌs(ə)l ən bʌs(ə)l

She enjoyed the hustle and bustle of city life.
She enjoyed the hustle and bustle of city life.
Ambiente calmo y relajado.

calm and relaxed environment
laid-back atmosphere
leɪd bæk ˈætməsˌfɪə(r)

The classroom has a nice laid-back atmosphere.
The classroom has a nice laid-back atmosphere.
Con poco dinero (Usar o tener una muy poca cantidad de dinero).

using or having a very small amount of money
on a shoestring
ɒn ə ˈʃuːˌstrɪŋ

Our schools are still running on a shoestring.
Our schools are still running on a shoestring.
Paz y tranquilidad.

a calm quiet situation in which you are not annoyed by noise or other people
peace and tranquillity
piːs ənd traŋˈkwɪlɪti

I need some peace and tranquillity after my stressful week at work.
I need some peace and tranquillity after my stressful week at work.
Pasar tiempo visitando y mirando lugares famosos en un país o lugar.

to spend time visiting and looking at the famous places in a country or place
take in the sights
teɪk ɪn ðə saɪts

They spent their first day in Barcelona taking in the sights.
They spent their first day in Barcelona taking in the sights.
Comida que huele y se ve muy bien.

food that smells or looks very good
appetising adj

The cupcakes looked really appetising.
The cupcakes looked really appetising.
Planta aromática, sustancia, o comida que huele especialmente bien.

an aromatic plant, substance, or food smells especially good
aromatic adj

The smell of the aromatic herbs filled the room.
The smell of the aromatic herbs filled the room.
Comida sin un sabor fuerte. Por lo tanto, no es interesante para comer.

not having a strong taste and therefore not very interesting to eat
bland adj

I can't eat another bowl of that bland soup.
I can't eat another bowl of that bland soup.
Asombroso. Extremadamente impresionante o hermoso. (Te deja sin aliento).

extremely impressive or beautiful
breathtaking adj

The scenery along the coast was breathtaking.
The scenery along the coast was breathtaking.
Delicado sabor, olor, o color agradable, no demasiado fuerte.

a delicate taste, smell, or colour is pleasant and not too strong.
delicate adj

The broth had lovely delicate flavours.
The broth had lovely delicate flavours.

with a very pleasant taste or smell
delicious adj

This sauce is delicious with fish or vegetables.
This sauce is delicious with fish or vegetables.
Asqueroso. Extremadamente desagradable.

extremely unpleasant
disgusting adj

The fish market smelt absolutely disgusting.
The fish market smelt absolutely disgusting.
Terrible. Muy desagradable.

very unpleasant
dreadful adj

The food in the restaurant was dreadful.
The food in the restaurant was dreadful.
Seco. No contiene líquido.

dry food contains little or no liquid, such as fat or juice
dry adj

The chicken was overcooked and dry.
The chicken was overcooked and dry.
Tenue. Vista, sonido, olor, o sabor que no es fuerte o claro.

a faint sight, sound, smell, or taste is not strong or clear.
faint adj

There was a faint smell of wood smoke.
There was a faint smell of wood smoke.
Sin sabor.

food with an unpleasantly weak taste
flavourless adj

The porridge was flavourless.
The porridge was flavourless.
Olor o sabor desagradable. (Viciado)

smelling or tasting unpleasant
foul adj

The air in the basement was foul.
The air in the basement was foul.
Fragante. Con olor agradable.

with a pleasant smell
fragrant adj

The bazaar was full of the fragrant smell of spices.
The bazaar was full of the fragrant smell of spices.
Hacerse agua la boca.

mouth-watering food smells or looks very good
mouth-watering adj

The smells coming from the kitchen were mouth-watering.
The smells coming from the kitchen were mouth-watering.
Abrumador. Olor o sabor muy fuerte.

an overpowering smell or taste is very strong
overpowering adj

The overpowering stench of rotting fish.
The overpowering stench of rotting fish.
Pungente. Sabor u olor muy fuerte y punzante.

a pungent taste or smell is very strong and sharp
pungent adj

The cheese was very pungent.
The cheese was very pungent.

extremely unpleasant
revolting adj

The food looked absolutely revolting.
The food looked absolutely revolting.
Contiene mucha manteca, huevos, crema que hace saciarte rápidamente.

containing a lot of things such as butter, eggs, or cream that make your stomach feel full very quickly
rich adj

She made a rich chocolate cake for the party.
She made a rich chocolate cake for the party.

containing salt, or tasting like salt
salty adj

The crisps were too salty.
The crisps were too salty.
Con olor desagradable.

with an unpleasant smell
smelly adj

I had to open a window as the herring was so smelly.
I had to open a window as the herring was so smelly.
Espectacular. Extremadamente impresionante.

extremely impressive
spectacular adj

The banquet table looked spectacular.
The banquet table looked spectacular.
Sutil. No es obvio, difícil de notar.

not obvious, and therefore difficult to notice
subtle adj

There was a subtle scent of roses.
There was a subtle scent of roses.

tasty food has a nice flavour
tasty adj

He prepared a few tasty snacks for the picnic.
He prepared a few tasty snacks for the picnic.
Extremadamente desagradable.

extremely unpleasant
vile adj

The coffee was absolutely vile.
The coffee was absolutely vile.

worried because you think something bad might happen
anxious adj

His silence made me anxious.
His silence made me anxious.

to be really attracted to or interested in something
captivated adj

I was captivated by the painting.
I was captivated by the painting.
Compuesto. Calmo y relajado.

calm and relaxed
composed adj

The bride was very composed on her wedding day.
The bride was very composed on her wedding day.
Contento, feliz, satisfecho.

happy and satisfied
content adj

I felt very content as I sat by the sea.
I felt very content as I sat by the sea.
Energizado. Lleno de energía y entusiasmo.

to feel full of energy and enthusiasm
energised adj

The crowd was energised by the powerful speech.
The crowd was energised by the powerful speech.
Absorto. Tan interesado o involucrado en algo que no piensas en otra cosa.

so interested or involved in something that you think about nothing else
engrossed adj

He was so engrossed in his book that he didn't hear her come in.
He was so engrossed in his book that he didn't hear her come in.
Cautivado. Tan interesado o emocionado por algo que le prestas toda tu atención.

so interested in or excited by something that you give it all your attention
enthralled adj

I was enthralled by the play, it was so dramatic.
I was enthralled by the play, it was so dramatic.
Regocijado. extremadamente feliz, emocionada y lleno de energía.

extremely happy, excited, and full of energy
exhilarated adj

Tim felt exhilarated after doing the bungee jump.
Tim felt exhilarated after doing the bungee jump.
Sombrío. Luciendo triste, como si esperara que algo malo sucediera.

looking sad, as if you expect something bad to happen
glum adj

Jamie looked glum as he waited in the rain for the bus to arrive.
Jamie looked glum as he waited in the rain for the bus to arrive.
Molesto por la gente.

feeling annoyed and bothered by people
hassled adj

Tony looked very hassled as he fought his way through the crowd.
Tony looked very hassled as he fought his way through the crowd.

something has given you the enthusiasm to do or create something
inspired adj

She felt very inspired by the art in Florence.
She felt very inspired by the art in Florence.

very interested in something and wanting to know more about it
intrigued adj

He became intrigued by her story.
He became intrigued by her story.

extremely unhappy or uncomfortable
miserable adj

He looked cold and miserable in the rain.
He looked cold and miserable in the rain.
Abrumado, por la emoción o sintiendo que no puede lidiar con una situación.

overcome with emotion or feeling like you can't deal with a situation
overwhelmed adj

She was overwhelmed by the amount of work that she had to do.
She was overwhelmed by the amount of work that she had to do.

feeling that you are going to vomit
queasy adj

Travelling by boat always makes me queasy.
Travelling by boat always makes me queasy.

feeling worried or nervous, e.g. by work, financial or personal problems.
stressed adj

He felt very stressed when he lost his job.
He felt very stressed when he lost his job.
Inestable. Nervioso, confundido o molesto.

nervous, confused, or upset
unsettled adj

Everyone felt very unsettled when the building was evacuated.
Everyone felt very unsettled when the building was evacuated.