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Si le hubieras visto, te habrías dado cuenta
If you had seen him, you would have realise it.
I you´d seen him, you would´ve realised it
Si me lo hubieran enviado, lo habría corregido
If they´ve sent it to me, I would´ve corrected it
Si hubiera habido fiesta, ellos no habrían ido
If there had been a party, they wouldn´t have gone
Si me hubiera tocado la lotería, me habría jubilado.
If I´ve won the lottery, I would´ve retired
Si hubieran perdido, no habrían avanzado
If they´d lost, I wouldn´t have advanced.
Si hubiera habido un acuerdo, me lo habrían dicho
If there had been an agreement, they would´ve tell me
Si no hubiera sido por ti, habríamos perdido todo
If there had been for you, we would´ve lost everything
Habría sido tuyo si me lo hubieras pedido
It would´ve been yours if you had asked me for it.
It would´ve been yours if you´d asked me for it.
Si me hubieras llamado ayer, podría haberlo resuelto
If you´d called me yesterday, I would´ve solved it.
Si hubiera habido tormenta, no habrías asistido
If there had been a storm, you wouldn´t have attended
Si hubieras ofrecido más dinero, habría aceptado
If you had offered more money, I would´ve accepted it.
Si Hitler no hubiera invadido Rusia, quizá hubiera ganado la guerra
If Hitler hadn´t invided Russia, he might´ve won the world
Si mi padre hubiera estado enfermo, yo no habría venido a España
If my father had been ill, I wouldn´t have come to Spain
Si hubiera tenido un buen empleo en mi país, no habría venido aquí.
If I had had a good job here, I wouldn´t have come here
De saber que estabas enfermo, no habría llamado
If I´d known that you were ill, I wouldn´t have called you
Si Noé no hubiera construido el Arca, habría muerto.
If Noah hadn´t built the Ark, he would´ve died.
Si Morgan hubiera jugado, el equipo hubiera ganado
If Morgan had played, the team would´ve won
Si me hubieran avisado con mayor antelación, podría haber resuelto el problema
If they had notiifed me sooner, I would´ve solved the problem.
Si yo hubiera tenido que hacerlo, no lo habría hecho
If I had had to do it, I wouldn´t have done it.
Si pudiera haberlo evitado, lo habría evitado
If I could´ve avoided it, I would´ve avoided it.
¿Qué habrías hecho si y no me hubiera presentado?
What would you have done if I hadn´t shown up?
¿Cómo habrías ido si no hubieras tenido coche?
¿how would you have gone if you hadn´t had a car?
No habría sido aceptado si no hubiera sido firmado
It wouldn´t have been accepted, if it hadn´t had been signed
Si yo no hubiera querido hacerlo, no lo habría hecho
If I hadn´t wanted to do it, I wouldn´t have done it.
Si yo hubiera sabido que ibas, habría ido también.
If I had known you were going, I would´ve gone too.
Si lo hubieras guardado, habrías podido usarlo
If you had kept it, you would´ve been able to use it.
Si hubieras mandado invitaciones, habría venido más gente
If you had sent invititations, more people would´ve come.
Si hubiera hecho viento, habríamos pasado más frío
If it had been more windy, we would´ve been cooler.
Si yo le hubiera hablado, no se habría quejado
If I had spoken to him, he wouldn´t have complained.
Si me lo hubieras dado, lo habría modificado.
If you had given it to me, I would´ve modified
Si no hubiera nevado, podríamos haber salido antes.
If it hadn´t snowed, we could´ve left sooner
Si hubieras tardado más, habríamos salido sin ti.
If it had taken you longer, we would´ve left without you
De haber durado más la reunión, me habría ido.
If the meeting had lasted longer, I would´ve left
Si hubiera habido un incendio, ¿qué habrías hecho?
If there had been a fired, what would you have done?
Si ella me hubiera mirado, yo le habría sonreído.
If she had looked at me, I would´ve smiled at her.
Si la máquina hubiera funcionado como debe, ahora no tendríamos estos problemas.
If the machine had worked as it should, we wound´t have these problems now.
Si hubieras estudiado inglés de niño, ahora sabrías mucho más.
If you had studied English when you were a child, you would know more now.
Si Anibal hubiera derrotado a los romanos, el mundo sería diferente hoy.
If Hannibal had defeated the Romans, the world would be different today.
Si no hubieras encendido un cigarro, el tanque no habría estallado.
If you hadn´t lit a cigarre, the tank wouldn´t have exploded
Si nos hubieras advertido no lo habríamos mandado
If you had warned us, we wound´t have done it.
Si mi espalda no me hubiera dado tantos problemas, habría ido con vosotros.
If my back hadn´t given me so many problemas, I would´ve be gone with you
Si no hubiera perdido mi empleo, lo habría comprado
If I hadn´t lost my job, I would´ve bought it.
Si no lo hubieran vendido, lo habríamos comprado.
I they hadn´t sold it, we would´ve bought it.
Si él hubiera tenido más dinero, ¿lo habría comprado?
If he had had more monet, would he have bought it?
¿Qué habrías hecho si te hubiera pasado a tí?
What would you have done if that had happened to you?
¿quien habría convocado la reunión si hubieras estado enfermo?
Who would´ve called the meeting if you had been ill?
Si el dinero hubiera sido mío, no lo habría gastado.
If the money had been mine, I wouldn´t have spend it.
Si yo hubiera estado en tu situación, habría dimitido
If I had been you, I would´ve resigned.
Si hubiera habido uno más, habría sido distinto.
If it had been one more, it would´ve been different.
Si le hubieras visto, habrías comprendido todo
If you had seen him, you would´ve understood everything.