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Who was Paul von Hindenburg?
The President of Germany
Who was Franz von Papen?
A Germany noblemen and served as vice chancellor under Hitler.
Who was Ernst Röhm?
One of Hitler's longest serving coworkers + became leader to the SA. He was one off the more left wing members of the Nazi Party.
Explain the German word Führer
The jobs of President + Chancellor + replaced both with powerful position of Führer + Reich Chancellor.
What was the decree for the Protection of People and State?
This new law, which was a Nazi rule. It gave the government power to suspend many of the civil rights.
How does the Reichstag Fire help the Nazis?
Believed fire happened cause of communist + Nazis suggested could be start of communist rebellion. Communist were given bad name after event + many choose to trust Nazis giving them power.
Who was the Dutch Communist framed for causing the Reichstag fire?
Marinus van der Lubbe.
Who was in charge propaganda in the Nazi government?
Dr Josef Goebbelss
What was Ever Verlog?
The Nazi publisher's which had most newspapers up by.
What were the Nuremberg Rallies?
One of the most impressive propaganda methods that the Nazis used.
Why was propaganda so important to the Nazi State?
They wanted to persuade the German people to allow the Nazis to implement their policies.
Give 5 methods that the Nazis tried to control the German people.
-Posters, using powerful images to convey Nazi messages - Loudspeakers were erected in public +workplaces - Propaganda films - took control if radio stations - Most newspapers were brought up by Nazi publishers.
Name the church the Nazis tried to create.
German Faith Movement
What were the churches as organisations concerned about?
Ensuring their survival
What did Hitler hope for by creating this church?
To draw people away from their loyalty to Christianity.
What were the Nazis relatively successful in?
Their aim of undermining the influence of Germany's Churches.
How did the Pope respond when the rights of the organisation were being ignored?
By condemning the Nazi regime
Name the opposition from young people
-Swing Youth
-Edelweiss Pirates
-Leipzig Hounds
Who were the Pro Nazis?
German Christians
Who were the Anti Nazis?
Confession Church
What was Volksgemeinshaft?
A peoples community the Nazis created.
What was Volksgemeinshaft?
To teach people that their primary duty was loyalty to the German State + to its Führer
What was the Gestapo?
The secret States Police. Had responsibility for hunting down the Nazis opponents who became!e known as the 'enemis of the States'. They also had the right of the imprisonment without trial.
What is a police state?
The Nazi police state that ensured everyone did what they were told. It was controlled by Heinrich Himmler + his feared secret police (the gestapo) did as it pleased in Nazi Germany.
Why did Röhm and his army concern Hitler?
He feared the Army, it was the only group that could stop him achieving his dictatorship. He needed the Army to implement his foreign policy aims.
Why did the Night of The Long Knives take place?
Hitler was opposed to Röhm's second revolution as it was the only group stopping Hitler achieving dictatorship. So the night was for Hitler to arrest + execute anyone he suspected of preventing his dictatorship. And Hitler's achievement of dictatorship take another step forward.
What was the Enabling Act?
A constitution to allow the government to introduce laws without the Reichstag or President's approval for a period of 4 years.
How did Hitler manage to get the Enabling Act passed by the Reichstag?
By eliminating most of The opposition + promising the Centre Party to cancel the Decree for the Protection of People and State + agreeing to protect the rights of the Catholic Church.
Explain Gleichschaltung
A German word meaning 'bringing going into alignment coordinating all aspects of life to fit I'm with Nazi ideals
Why did Hitler want to control Germany's State government?
He wanted to help Germany become a dictatorship + to control everything like how he wanted to gain complete rule in Germany.