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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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23 Cartas en este set

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out of the blue
it's on the cards
likely to happen
the rest is history
it happened a long time ago.
things fall into place
events happen to produce the situation you want.
if something goes downhill
it gradually becomes worse
out of my depth
not to have the knowledge or skills to deal with a situation.
to get the sack
to be fired
- I suspect that I'll soon get the sack at Emergia.
get my goat
to make someone annoyed.
get it out of one's system (informal)
to do something you have been wanting to do for a long time that now you don't feel that strong desire to do anymore.
- You have been talking so long about making that trip to London. Get it our of your system!
to be shrouded in secrecy/mistery
to be a matter which very few people know about.
- The origins of the tribe are shrouded in mistery.
out of the blue
out of the frame
no longer in the position of being considered for something
a bed of roses
an easy and happy existence.
burn my boats
if you are in a situation and you burn all your boats, you destroy every possibily to go back to that situation.
in a nutshell
en resumen
the best of both worlds
only benefits
the grass is always greener on the other side
los toros se ven bien desde la barrera.
burn a hole in your pocket
to spend too much money.
burn the midnight oil
to spend the time working at night
get your fingers burnt
to suffer unpleasant consequences of an action, especially money lost, and you do not want to do that thing again.
fiddle with Rome burns
to do something trivial or irresponsible during an emergency.
have your money to burn
have more money than you need and spend it in silly things.
the icing on the cake
something that makes a situation even better.