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Hola Daniel, ¿cómo estás?
mucho tiempo sin verte, cuéntame sobre tus primeros años
Hello Daniel, How are you?
long time no see, tell me about your early life
¿Cuándo tuviste tu primera novia?
When did you have your first girlfriend?
¿Cuál era tu materia favorita en la secundaria?
What was your favorite subject in high school?
¿Quién era tu profesor favorito en la escuela secundaria?
Who was your favorite teacher in high school ?
¿Fuiste ausente a alguna clase en la escuela primaria?
Were you absent in any class in elementary school?
ahora cuéntame sobre la vida de la academia? ¿Qué estás estudiando?
now tell me about the academy life? what are you studying?
¿Alguna vez has querido cambiar de carrera?
Have you ever wanted to change career
¿Alguna vez has fallado una prueba?
Have you ever failed a test?
¿Qué prueba fallaste?
which test did you fail?
¿Qué te gustaba hacer en la universidad?
what did you like to do in college?
dani cuéntame sobre tus experiencias de viaje
dani tell me about your travel experiences
¿Has ido alguna vez a la playa?
Have you ever gone to the beach?
¿Qué fue lo que más te gustó del viaje a la playa?
What did you like the most about the trip to the beach?
¿Alguna vez has comido alimentos extraños
Have you ever eaten strange foods? where was?
When did you finish your garten kinder?
I finished when I was 6 years old
What was your best memory in the elementary school?
I went to visit with my friends to a park
How many friends did you have in high schhol?
I had 4 friends
Where did you study in your elementary school?
I studied in san cristobal school
-Ok;Now tell me about you life academic
What carrers have you studied in the last five years?
I studied commercial engineering
How did you feel on your first day college?
I felt very good and happy
Have you look at other Universitie apart from colmayor?
no, i haven´t
Have you ever lost a university course?
no, i haven´t
-Ok,ok, finally tell me about your travel experiences
Have you ever had a bad travel experience? Why?
yes, i have when i didn't like the food
Have you travel by plane or bus?
yes, Travel by plane
What has been the best place you have ever traveled?
the most beautiful was San Andrés