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3 rules to Write functions
Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
Do One Thing (DOT)
Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS)
Less Is More
Best Practices to write code
- Indentation (tabs ?)
- Use Semicolons
- Bracket Placement: Right Side
- Avoid Name Collisions
- Use One var Statement per Function
- Use Functional Iterators When Possible
Tabs or spaces?
both have their merits. Tab users say it saves them keystrokes, there are never any hidden whitespace characters, and tabs allow users to set their own indentation display preferences. Space users say that most editors will automatically substitute spaces for tabs and support "soft tabs" that have similar display characteristics to tabs. And you can line up your code better with more fine-grained control of your whitespace.

The important is that you pick one and stick with it
Automatic semicolon insertion
A pure function has no side effects
It does not alter existing variables or program state in any way, and always returns the same value given the same inputs.
Function definition
-Several Ways(Declaration and Expression)
Function declaration
function foo() {

/* Warning: arguments.callee is deprecated.
Use with caution. Used here strictly for
illustration. */

return arguments.callee;
Function Expression
var bar = function () {
return arguments.callee;
Advantage of function expressions
- assign functions to variables the same way you would assign values to variables
Disadvantage is function expressions
create anonymous functions unless you explicitly provide a name(issue to debug the call stack)
Named function expressions
are like anonymous function expressions in every way, except that they have a name that you can use from inside the function (for recursion).
function that is used as data
lambdas are commonly used to:
- Perform operations on the other arguments passed in
- Attach event handlers for DOM interactions.
- Return a function from another function
A closure is created when a function references data that is contained outside the function scope.
If a function is used as an argument or return value, it's a __
Immediately Invoked Function Expressions
When use IIFE?
This technique is often used to create a new scope to encapsulate modules.
.call() method
shared by all functions allows you to call any method or function on any object.
someMethod.call(context, argument1, argument2, ...);
Help us to change the method context of a function
call, apply and bind
Apply method
someMethod.apply(context, someArray);
Method is used to permanently set the value of this inside the target function to the passed in context object.
In a nutshell, a closure stores function state, even after the function has returned. To create a closure, simply define a function inside another function and expose it. To expose a function, return it or pass it to another function. The inner function will have access to the variables declared in the outer function. This technique is commonly used to give objects data privacy.
Function Polymorphism
polymorphism means that something behaves differently based on context, like words that have different meanings based
Method dispatch
(for Polymorphism)
Method dispatch is the mechanism that determines what to do when an object receives a message. JavaScript does this by checking to see if the method exists on the object. If it doesn't, the JavaScript engine checks the prototype object
Stateless Functions
Pure functions are stateless. This means that they do not use or modify variables, objects, or arrays that were defined outside the function
Asynchronous Operations
Normally, the JavaScript engine will execute code line by line, in order from top to bottom, following the normal flow of your program (such as function calls, conditional logic, etc.).
To Parts of Asynch Operations
Asynchronous operations are broken up into two phases: call and response. By definition, it's impossible to know at what point in the program flow you'll be when you receive an asynchronous response. There are a couple of popular ways to manage that uncertainty.
functions that you pass as arguments to be invoked when the callee has finished its job
are objects that allow you to add callback functions to success or failure queues.
the object that controls the promise