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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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23 Cartas en este set

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Set About
Empezar, atacar, agredir

Joey began setting Jim about without us knowing the reason.
Break In
Forzar la entrada

I was shocked to see that someone had broken in, but nothing was missing.
Bring Up
Subir, criar, educar -I was brought up by my grandmother because my mother died very young.

Mencionar como tema de discusión' We didn't want to talk about the subject but Tom brought it up.
Turn Against
Poner en contra, ponerse en contra

I won't be turned against my husband, no matter what you tell me!.
Play Off Against
Alentar a pelear

Their mates played Jimmy off against Tony, we don't know why.
Think Out / Over

Before accepting the job, think over all your possibilities.
Wash Up
Lavar los platos

Please let me wash up this time.
Do Over
Volver a hacer - You'll have to do over the essay, it's got a lot of mistakes.

Atacar a alguien, entrar en una casa y robar cosas de ella- Both houses have been done over by the same guy.
Hush Up
Mantener en secreto un romance

Ben couldn't hush up his affair, Alice saw him kissing the actress.
Reckon Up
Contar, calcular el total o la cantidad de algo

Who will attend the party? I have to reckon up the food and drinks.
Smooth Over
Mejorar, superar una difícil situación

I know it's hard, but you have to be brave and smooth over the situation.
Sleep On
Seguir durmiendo

When I realized it was Sunday I turned the clock off and slept on.
Speak Out / Up
Hablar más fuerte, claro

The people at the back can't hear what you're saying, speak up.
Trade In

Kate changed her mind and traded in her ticket for a CD.
Try On
Probarse ropa

If you are not sure about the size you should try the trousers on.
Wash Down
Baldear un auto, barco, etc

After driving through the hills on a rainy day we had to wash the car down.
Brein In
Traer, servir - Now that all the guests are here you can bring the dinner in.

Presentar- You will be given the check only if you bring in the bill for the work.
Call In
Hacer entrar, llamar a

After the accident the ambulance was called in to assist the injured people. m
Fall Out
Romper filas -The general ordered the soldiers to fall out.

With- pelear con alguien- John fell out with his best friend because he lied to him.
Get Around
Viajar a varios lugares diferentes -I'd love to get around more, I always stay here for my holidays.

Divulgar una noticia- I'd appreciate it if you don't get around that I broke up with John.

Evadir algo- I think we're getting around the problem of the lost money.

To- hacer algo que has tenido intención de hacer por mucho tiempo- Rachel finally got around to visiting her best friend after being a long time abroad.
Look In On
Visitar a alguien por un momento generalmente cuando estás camino hacia otro lado

Look in on your sister and see if she is all right, will you?.
Knock In
Golpear algo

I'm so sorry, I haven't knocked the nail in yet.
Mount Up

Be careful of what you buy, your bills are mounting up excessively.