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Give up (on)
give up/ gives up, gave up, given up, giving up.

Forget it! This is imposible. I give up.
When you stop trying to do something because you think you will never succeed, you give up or give up on it.

I've tried just given up on it.
give up/ gives up, gave up, given up, giving up

When the bank robbers realized they were surrounded by police, they gave up.
rendirse a una autoridad
When you are running from or fighting with the police or enemy soldiers and you surrounder, you give up or give yourself up.

The suspect got tired of hiding from the police, and he gave himself up.
give up/ gives up, gave up, given up giving up

My father didn't give sky diving up until he was 82.
dejar de hacer algo
When you stop doing something you do regularly, such as a sport or a job, you give it up.

I had to give up my second job because I was exhausted all the time.
Fight back
Fight back/fights back, fought back, fought back, fighting back.

the soldiers fought back bravely, but the situation was hopeless.
When you fight back, you fight, either physically or with words, someone or something that attacked you first.

After being accused of corruption, the senator said she would fight back and prove her innocence.
Fight back
fight back/ fights back, fought back, fought back, fighting back.

The mother fought back tears when she saw the little white coffins.
aguantar alguna emocion.
When you fight back an emotional response, such as tears or fear, you try very hard to overcome the emotion.

I had to fight back the urge to punch him in the nose.
cut off/ cuts off, cut off, cut off, cutting off

He cut off a piece of cheese so that I could taste it.
cortar algo.
When you completely remove a part of something with a knife, saw, or pair of scissors, you cut it off.

One of the kings of England had his head cut off.
cut off/cuts off, cut off, cut off, cutting off.

I won't be surprised if my electricity is cut off. I haven't paid the bill in three months.
When you stop the supply or flow of something, such as water, electricity or money, you cut it off or you cut off the people receiving it.
cut off/cuts off, cut off, cut off, cutting off

I had to slam on the brakes when some guy cut me off on the way to work.
rebasar, meterse en el camino repentinamente.
When you abruptaly and rudely drive a vehicle in front of other people's vehicles, causing them to suddenly slow down or stop, you cut them off.

The lady in the red car tried to cut me off, but I wouldn't let her in front of me.
Drop off/ drops off, dropped off, dropped off, dropping off.

Can you drop me off at the train station on your way to work?
dejar a alguien en algun lado
When you take things or people to another place and leave them there, you drop them off.

Luis dropped off his laundry at the cleaners.
try out/ tries out, tried out, tried out, trying out.

I'm not going to spend $2,000 on a bicycle unless I try it our first.
Probar algo
When you try something out, you try it to see if you want to buy it or to see if you want to start using it regularly.

You can try it out for 30 days without any obligation.