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Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

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16 Cartas en este set

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(All of the ALIENS (except the ALIEN SCIENTISTS) are tied up like before, but this time they are sitting on the floor of the main deck.)
👧🏼: All right this be your last chance! Where are he hissing the rely big treasure?
👽:We're not afraid of pirates!
👧🏼: Very well! Zargon, Jolar- bring over the transporter!
(ZARGON and JOLAR bring PIRATE CAPTAIN the teleportation device.)
👧🏼: Me mateys have been tinkerin' with your machine. Every time Shmee here pushes this button, one of your crew will disappear.
👽: What do you mean disappear?
👧🏼:I mean they'll suffer the worst fate possible... They'll be sent no to Zooglebotz!
👽s: It's so boring! (More alien noises)
👧🏼: And the first alien goes in three... Two...
👧🏼:Arr, how did this one get loose?
👨‍🔬: I need your looking for that really heavy treasure we transported from earth! I want to hand it over. It's a collection of very large, very old statues
👧🏼: Statues? Aye, those should fetch a pretty penny at the black hole market! Bring it to me or else!
(LOOL and the ALIEN SCIENTISTS enter, pushing six big statues)
👧🏼: Aye, now that's more like it! A larrrge treasure. And it's mine. All mine!
👧🏼: Mine,I said ye scallywags, allll mine.
👩🏽 Gotcha!
👧🏼: What be this?!
👧🏼: Ouch, ooie, this be the worst pain imaginable! Worse then walking the zero gravity plank!
😶: We've just been trying to complete our antique collections!
👧🏼: Blimey! What you be saying?!
😶: Oh it's got blue flowers all over it. It matches my Victorian throw pillows.
👧🏼: You fools! Who cares about the teacup? We be pirates so we can pillage and plunder! Your the most sorry excuses for space pirates I've ever set my eyes on. How could you be interested in something as silly as earth' s history? "Ohhh I know everything about tea cups and pretty little flowers. I loooove history and artifacts and..." Come on Shmee.
👽: Captain, looks like you have a mutiny on your hands.
👧🏼: Umm... Pirates... Friends?
(Electric beep)
👧🏼: Shiver me timbers! What did you rapscalions do to me?
👩🏼‍💼+👩‍💼: To Zooglebotz!
👧🏼: No, there be no treasure on Zooglebotz! And it's really boring.