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59 Cartas en este set

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Hay UNA reunion
There is one meeting
Van a haber dos reuniones
There are going to be two meetings
Va a haber una fiesta
There is going to be one party
Va a haber cinco reuniones
There are going to be five meetings
Puede que haya una reunion esta noche
There can be a meeting tonight
Puede que hayan dos reuniones esta noche
There can be two meetings tonight
podría haber una reunion esta noce
There could be a meeting tonight
Deberia haer una reunion estanoche
There should be a meeting tonight
Debe de haber una reunione esta noche (conclusion)
There must be a meeting tonight
Puede que haya una reunion hoy
There may/might be a meeting today
Hay muchos en la mesa
There are many on the table
Habia uno encima de la mesa
There was one on the table
Hiba a haber una reunion ayer
There was going to be a meeting yesterday
Hiba a haber dos reuniones ayer
There were going to be two meetings yesterday
Tiene que haber una reunion
There has to be a meeting
Tienen que haber dos reuniones
There have to be two meetings
Habría una reunion si estuviera preparado
There would be a meeting if i was prepared
ha habido una reunion
there has been a meeting
ha habido dos reuniones
there have been two meetings
Habian habido dos fiestas
There had been two parties
Habia habido una fiesta
There had been a party
Habrá habido una reunion
There will have been a meeting
Puede haber habido una reunion
There can have been a meeting
Habria habido una reunion
There would have been a meeting
Podria haber habido una reunion
There could have been a meeting
Tuvo que haber habido una reunion
There had to have been a meeting
Tiene que haber habido una reunion
There has to have been a meeting
Tienen que haber habido dos reuniones
There have to have been two meetings
Hay una habitacion?
Is there any room?
Hay habitaciones?
Are there any rooms?
Hubo una reunion?
Was there any meeting?
Hubieron reuniones?
Were there any meetings?
Habrá una reunion?
Will there be any meeting?
Puede haber una reunion?
Can there be any meeting?
Deben de haber dos fiestas?
Must there be two parties?
Va a haber unareunion?
Is there going to be any meeting?
Va a haber dos reuniones?
Are there going to be two meetings?
Habrá una fiesta?
Will there be any party?
Habría una fiesta?
Would there be any party?
Podria haber una habitacion?
Could there be one room?
Deberia haber un baño?
Should there be any bathroom?
Tiene que haber un baño?
Does there have to be one bathroom? duda
No hay reuniones (no)
There are no meetings
No habrá reunion (not)
There won´t be any meeting
No habrá reuniones (no)
There will be no meetings
No va a haber ninguna fiesta (not)
There isn´t going to be any party
No va a haber fiestas (no)
There are going to be no parties
No hay reunion (not)
There isn´t any meeting
No pueden haber reuniones (not)
There can´t be any meetings
No pueden haber reuniones (no)
There can be no meetings
No podrian haber caballos (not)
There couldn´t be any horses
No podrian haber caballos (no)
There could be no horses
No ha habido una reunion
There hasn´t been any meeting
No han habido reuniones
There haven´t been any meetings
No habian habido fiestas
There hadn´t been any parties
No habran habido fiestas
There won´t have been any parties
No puede haber habido reuniones
There can´t have been any meetings
No tiene que haber habito una reunion
There has´nt tu have been any meeting
No tienen que haber habido reuniones
There haven´t to have been any meetings