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What is Reflexivity? How is it applied?
Reflexivity, or knowledge-based engineering of discourse, is the application of social sciences, including linguistics, psychology, interactional mechanisms, grammar, for social control. In business transactions, reflexivity is employed so that the call center representative can control the interaction and can get the customer adhere with him/her more quickly. Example of resources: inclusive we, polarity questions, question tags, back-channeling behavior, presuppossitions, expressions of empathy, evaluative statements, interruptions
Are the interactions between the representative of a call center and a customer spontaneous? Why? Why not?
Interaction is not spontaneous but strategically engineered because the aim is that the representative of the call center controls the interaction and also to increase efficiency and get the caller agree with the company representative more quickly.
How is discourse technology a reflexive application of discourse?
Technologisation of discourse involves the redesign of discursive practices of social institutions and organizations in accordance with particular strategies and objectives. This can be observed in types of texts analyzed in this paper and gets disseminated due to educational and employment conditions.
e.g. training manuals, Web page of the school of Languages
What is commodification? What´s a commodity? Which are examples of commodities in our country?
It involves treating things that were previously not considered to have economic value as objects that can be bought and sold for profit. For example, English has become commodified, it has a value in the market. Examples of cultural enterprises are the teaching of english, the selling of international exams. Therefore, education in our country is commodified, not a service
What´s it?
Marketization refers to the process of introducing market principles, mechanisms, or competition into areas of society traditionally outside the realm of market forces, such as education; in other words, it is the reconstruction of social life on a market basis.
Marketization: how is the appropriation and naturalization of the discourse and aesthetics of marketing manifested in multimodal forms of communication especially in the case of universities?
In the School of Languages web page (multi modal text) the discourse of marketing has been incorporated. This multi modal text incorporates women with extreme white-pale complexion, blue eyes, students dressed in formal and grey suits, which evokes corporate things, inclusion of a dark man, altogether evoking an American atmosphere. The identities constructed for students is that of clients/customers instead of students.
The web page incorporates strategies of the discourse of marketing, such as intimate and familiar forms, in order to promote/sell the school of languages to students/young people. The text evokes images that circulate in advertising discourses, and includes stereotypes of success in clerical jobs
What is the effect of a hegemonic discourse? What do you understand by naturalization? What is the importance of discourse awareness?
Hegemonic discourse has the effect of naturalizing a system of beliefs or make it be understood as common sense and as an inherent part of human experience. Through discourse awareness, people can question hegemonic discourse and resist them, not take them for granted or uncritically adopt them.
What do these multi modal texts index? Which is the identity constructed for students? and for the intitution?
These multimodal texts index social and institutional relationships , and rather than being built on the values of learning and citizenship, the relationship between the educational institution and the student expresses a desire of the institution to attract the students with a youthful and friendly image and exert an influence on them to consume “surrounded by glamour and beauty”. Identity constructed for students: customers/clients. Identity constructed for the institution: seller? (not sure)
What are globalised trends? Are these trends global or globalized? where do they come from?
Globalised trends are those trends imposed and uncritically adopted in a society and they come from hegemonic discourse. The suffix -ize in globalized trends suggests agency and that these trends are imposed. But these trends are not simply imposed, but they also “make available the means for critique”.
Is there any difference between resisting and rejecting globalized trends? How can text producers and receivers resist globalized trends?
Resisting a trend has to do with the appropiation and adaptation of a trend, and not uncritically adopting a trend. Carranza puts forward the notion of exercising agency and resisting this uncritical adoption of globalized trends by adopting and adapting them (not rejecting them). Through discourse awareness, arising from experience in society, they can resist globalized trends, and Apply it to produce, reproduce, transform and circulate meanings of their choice and expressive of locally constructed identities and relationships
How can you relate these globalized trends seen so far with Pennycook in Unit 5?
choice, agency, appropiation, identity, local contexts, hybridity
social beings as resistant to colonialism, subjects who make use of agency for their own benefit