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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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pull down
pull in
parar aparcar
pull out
pull over
pull up
parar, detenerse
putting on weight
coger peso
make sure
feel run down
sentirse agotado
be about to go down with a flu
a punto de resfriarse
point something out
pick up (5 significados)
- aprender gradualmente sin una enseñanza formal

- recoger, pasar a buscar

- conseguir, encontrar por casualidad

- ponerse de pie levantarse
- captar, sintonizar
pay off
dar buenos resultados
pick on
escoger, elegir, designar
pass out
pass away
pass somthing around
repartió algo
mix up
to think that one person or thing is another person or thing

They look so alike that it’s easy to mix them up.

mix up with: 

I think I’m mixing him up with someone else.

mezclar cosas sin ningún orden

I sorted all the papers and you’ve mixed them up again.
miss out on
perderse algo
make up for

Next week we’ll try to make up for lost time.

make up
to invent (make sth Up)


He made up the whole story.

They made up an excuse not to go to the meeting.

She told us stories about her family, but they were all made up.

There was no fire - he made it all up.

If you can't think what to write, just make something up.

I made up a few words about his role in the company.

to compose or be part(s) of

componer, formar, integrar (make sth up)

The group was mainly made up of doctors and lawyers.

to complete


We need one more player – will you make up the number(s)?

to apply cosmetics to (theface)


She was making up her face in frontof the mirror.

to become friends again (after a quarrel etc)

hacer las paces, reconciliarse

They’ve finally made up (theirdisagreement).

to prepare or arrangesomething by putting different things together:

Could you make up a list of all the things that need to be done?

He asked the man behind the counter to make up a box with a selection of chocolates.

The maid will make up your room later.

make out
to see, hear or understand

ver, oir o comprender

He could make out a ship in the distance.

to make it seem that


He made out that he was earning a huge amount of money.

to write or fill in

escribir o rellenar

The doctor made out a prescription.

(slang) to kiss, hug andcaress; to neck

darse el lote, pegarse el lote

They were making out in the back seat of the car.
kicks off
empezar, comenzar
make something into something
to change something into something else

convertir algo en algo

They’ve made the spare room into an office.

make for
make for phrasal verb

to go towards

dirigirse hacia

look up to someone
to respect and admiresomeone

admirar, respetar a alguien
look through 
to look at or study briefly


I’ve looked through your report.
look out
look on
to watch something


No, I don’t want to play – I’d ratherlook on.

(with as) to think of orconsider


I have lived with my aunt since I was a baby, and I look on her as my mother.
look into
to examine the facts about a situation

investigar algo

They are looking into the causes of the accident.
look forward to
look forward to phrasal verb

to wait with pleasure for

esperar con interés

I am looking forward to seeing you / to the holidays.
look back
 to think about something that happened in the past:

When I look back I can see where we went wrong.

It wasn't such a bad experience when I look back on it.

Más ejemplos

When I look back, I'm filled with sadness.

He looked back on his time as president with pride.

One day we'll look back on this and laugh.

When you look back on this in a year or two, it won't seem so bad.

Looking back, I admit I didn't always do the right thing.
look at
to think about a subjectcarefully so that you can make a decision about it:

Management is looking at ways of cutting costs.

Más ejemplos

We're looking at the feasibility of building a shopping centre there.

In this exercise, a word is blanked out and you have to guess what it is by looking at the context.

We looked at the job applicationsin two batches.

"Have you decided what to do?" "No, I'm still looking at the various possibilities."

I'm going to spend some time
looking at my options before I decide to apply for the job.
make up to somebody
to be too friendly to someone or to praise them in order to get advantages for yourself:

Have you seen the disgusting way she makes up to the boss?

put aside
apartar algo

If you put or set something aside, you do not use it now, but keep it to uselater.

apartar algo

We put some money aside for ourholiday.
put down
to put something that you are holding onto thefloor or onto anothersurface

dejar algo, soltar algo

You can put your suitcase down in the hall.

B1 If you put the phonedown, you put the part of the phone that you speakinto back to its usualposition.

colgar el teléfono put the phone down

put down
to put something that you are holding onto thefloor or onto anothersurface

dejar algo, soltar algo

You can put your suitcase down in the hall.

B1 If you put the phonedown, you put the part of the phone that you speakinto back to its usualposition.

colgar el teléfono put the phone down

put off
to switch off (a light etc)


Please put the light off!

to delay; to postpone

aplazar, posponer

He put off leaving / his departure till Thursday.

to cancel an arrangedmeeting etc with (a person)


I had to put the Browns off because I had ’flu.

to cause (a person) to feeldisgust or dislike (for)

repugnar, dar asco

The cheese looked nice, but the smell put me off

The conversation about illness put me off my dinner.
put on
to switch on (a light etc)


Put the light on!

to dress oneself in


Which shoes are you going to put on?

to add or increase

aumentar; (weight) engordar

The car put on speed

I’ve put on weight.

to present or produce (aplay etc)

dar, echar; presentar

They’re putting on ’Hamlet’ next week.

to provide (eg transport)


They always put on extra busesbetween 8.00 and 9.00 a.m.

to make a false show of; topretend


She said she felt ill, but she was just putting it on.

to bet (money) on

apostar por

I’ve put a pound on that horse to win.

put out
to extend (a hand etc)

tender (la mano a alguien)

He put out his hand to steady her.

(of plants etc ) to produce(shoots, leaves etc).


to extinguish (a fire, lightetc)


The fire brigade soon put out the fire.

to issue, give out

emitir, lanzar

They put out a distress call.

to cause bother or troubleto

molestarse (por)

Don’t put yourself out for my sake!

to annoy


I was put out by his decision.
put through
to arrange (a deal,agreement etc)

cerrar, despachar; llevar a cabo

We’re doing all we can to put the deal through.

to connect by telephone


I’m trying to put you through (to London).
put up
to raise (a hand etc)


He put up his hand to ask a question.

to build; to erect

levantar, construir

They’re putting up some new houses.

to fix on a wall etc

colgar, fijar

He put the poster up.

to increase (a price etc)


They’re putting up the fees again.

to offer or show (resistanceetc)

ofrecer (resistencia), defenderse

He’s putting up a brave fight.

to provide (money) for apurpose


He promised to put up the moneyfor the scheme.

to provide a bed etc for (aperson) in one’s home

alojar, hospedar

Can you put us up next Thursdaynight?
put up to
to persuade (a person) to do something

empujar, incitar

Who put you up to writing that letter?
put up with
to bear patiently

soportar, aguantar

I cannot put up with all this noise.
rub off
If a quality or characteristicthat someone has rubs off, other people begin to have it because they have been with that person and learned it from them:

His enthusiasm is starting to rub off onthe rest of us.
rub out
deshacerse de algo, o matar a alguien
run away
to leave a place or personsecretly and suddenly:

He ran away from home when he was only twelve.

Mark and my sister are planning to runaway together to get married.
run down
to lose energy, power, orstrength:

By 1923 the radio boom seemed to be running down.
run into
to meet

topar con, encontrarse con

I ran into her in the street.

to crash into or collide with

chocar con

The car ran into a lamp-post.
run out
(of a supply) to come to an end

agotarse, acabarse

The food has run out.

(with of) to have no more


We’ve run out of money.
run over
(of a vehicle or driver) toknock down or drive over


Don’t let the dog out of the gardenor he’ll get run over.

to repeat for practice

revisar, repasar

Let’s run over the plan again.
see off
to accompany (a personstarting on a journey) to theairport, train station etcfrom which he is to leave


He saw me off at the station.
see out
to last longer than

durar, sobrevivir

These old trees will see us all out.

to continue to the end of a period of time or an activity

continuar hasta el final del un periodo de tiempo o una actividad

He will see out the year remaining on hiscontract.

see someone out: to go with someone to the door when they are leaving in order to saygoodbye to them

My secretary will see you out.
see through
to give support to (aperson, plan etc) until the end is reached

terminar, llevar a buen término

I’d like to see the job through.

not to be deceived by (aperson, trick etc)

calar (a), verle el plumero (a), no dejarse engañar

We soon saw through him and his little plan.
set off
 to start a journey

ponerse en camino, partir

What time are you setting off tomorrow morning?
set back
to delay the progress of

retrasar, atrasar

His illness set him back a bit at school.
find out
to discover

descubrir, averiguar

I found out what was troubling her.

to discover the truth (about someone), usually that he has done wrong


He had been stealing from the company for years, but eventuallythey found him out.
give out
to give, usually to severalpeople

repartir, distribuir

The headmaster’s wife gave out the school prizes.

to come to an end

terminar, llegar al límite

My patience gave out.

to produce

producir, causar, emitir

The fire gave out a lot of heat.
take up
to use or occupy (space,time etc)

tomar, robar

I won’t take up much of your time.

to begin doing, playing etc

empezar a, emprender

He has taken up the violin/teaching.

to shorten (clothes)


My skirts were too long, so I had them taken up.

to lift or raise; to pick up


He took up the book in his righthand.

blend ind
parecerse al resto o a cosas que te rodean sin llamar la atención