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Bubbly (adj)
always cheerful, friendly and enthusiastic.
Serenade (n)
a gentle piece of music in several parts, usually for a small group of of instruments.
Awry (adj)
wrong, to not happen as planned
Sunken ( adj)
Hollow and deep as a result of disease, getting old, or not having enough food
Listless (adj)
Feeling tired and not interested in things.
Prosecutor (n)
a lawyer who leads the case against a defendant in court
third-degree-murder (n)
murder without intention
felony (n)
the act of committing a serious crime such as murder
Pending ( prep)
While waiting for something to happen, until something happens
healing (n )
the process of getting better after and emotional shock
practitioner (n )
A person who works in a profession, especially medicine or law
spokesman (n)
a man who speaks on behalf of a group or an organization
physician (n)
a doctor, especially one who is a specialist in general medicine and not surgery
keen (adj)
enthusiastic about or interested in an activity or idea, etc
doze off (v)
to go to sleep, especially during the day
shed weight (v)
to lose weight
rate (n)
a measurement of the speed at which something happens
plead (v)
to ask someone for something in a very strong and serious way. beg
ailment (n)
and illness that is not very serious
sketched (v)
to give a short report or story that gives only basic details about something
chilling (adj)
frightening, usually because it is connected with something violent or cruel
barely (adv)
in a way that is just possible but only with difficultly.
autopsy (n)
an official examination of a dead body by a doctor in order to discover the cause of death
acknowledge (v)
to accept that something is true. admit
chairman (n)
the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak,etc.
neglectful (adj)
not given enough care or attention to someone or something
withhold (v)
to refuse to give something to someone
enacted ( v )
to pass a law. to take place
lobbying (v)
trying to influence a government and persuade them to support.
manslaughter (n)
the crime of killing someone illegally but no deliberately
material (adj)
important to ,related to
trial (n)
a formal examination of evidence in court to decided if someone accused of a crime is guilty or not
harm (n)
damage or injury that is caused by a person or an event
ankylosing spondylitis (n)
a very serious and destructive form of arthritis
arthritis (n)
a disease that cause pain and swelling in or more joints of the body
immobilized (adj)
not able to move
diagnosis (n)
identification of what illness a personas has
therapeutic (adj)
designed to help treat an illness
symptoms (n)
skeptical (adj)
having doubts that a claim or statement is true