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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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46 Cartas en este set

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Break Down
averiado/Stop functioning/My car broke down
Bring up
mencionar/Mention a topic/She brought up that matter again
Back down
retroceder/withdraw a position/We never back down
Beat up
golpear/punch and kick/I got beat up
Blow up
explotar/Explode/They tried to blow up the station
Bump into
encontrar por accidente/Meet by accident/I bump into my wife at the park
Call off
cancelar/Cancel/They call off that meeting
Come across
cruzarse/find by chance/I was cleaning and I came across my journal
Clean out
limpiar/Clean/I was cleaning out the closet
Carry on
continua/Continue/Sorry , carry on talking!
Drop out
dejar/Leave school/They dropped out of college
Drop by
visitar/Visit/We just dropped by her house
Find out
descubrir/discovered/I found out that she was pregnant
Get out
vete,Leave/You need to get out of here
Give away
regalar/Give something for free/They are giving away tickets
End up
terminar/The end result/I ended up in another school
Get by
sobrevivir/survive/I have some money to get by
Get over
recuperarse/get well/ Dave has got over the flu
Get along
llevarse bien/being good friends/We get along really well
Get away
librarse/Escape/I got away with murder
Get rid of
deshacerse/Eliminate/I need to get rid of her
Go over
revisar/Review/I went over the material
Grow up
crece/Get older/You are 21, Grow up
Give up
rendirse/Stop trying/They just gave up
Go out
tener una cita/Have a date/Do you want to go out with me?
Hang out
pasar tiempo/Spend time/I am hanging out with my friends
Hurry up
apurarse/Do something fast/We are late, hurry up
Make out
besarse/Kiss/They were making out outside the office
Made up
inventarse una historia/Invent a story/She made that up to save herself
Mess up
estropear/to spoil/You are messing things up
Show up
llega/Arrive/Alex didn’t show up
Pass out
perder la conciencia/Lose consciousness/She passed out in front of me
Piss off
encabronarse/to be angry/I am really pissed off
Put off
aplazar/Postpone/We put off the meetin until Friday
Put up
aguantarse/with let happen/I won’t put up with my sisters
Put on
ponerse/Get dressed/I put on a sweater
Put out
extinguir/Extinguish/The firefighters put out the fire
Run into
me encontré con/Meet/I ran into my teacher last week
Run out,
sin./to use all of it./We are running out of gas.
Take off
quitarse/Remove clothing/I took off my jacket
Turn Down
bajar volumen/Lower volume/Please turn it down
Turn down
rechazar/Reject/He was turned down twice
Work out
ejercitarse/Exercise/I am working out right now
Watch out
tener cuidado/Be aware/You better watch out
Work out
encontrar una solución/find a solution/We will work something out.
Wake up
depertarse/Finish sleeping/I woke up at 9