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Bring Forward
Presentar, exponer, proponer, hacer una oferta

The public prosecutor asked the witnesses to bring the evidence forward.
Cut In
Interrumpir- George and Mary were dancing but Peter cut in!

Adelantarse en auto cuando no hay espacio para hacerlo- Never cut in when you are driving in an avenue, it is so dangerous!
Put At

The number of casualties of the tsunami was put at 400 by the Government.
Put On
Ponerse- Put your coats on if you're going outside, it's cold.

Encender- Let's put the oven on before Susan finishes making the cake.

Aumentar- I think Mary has put on weight since the last time I saw her.
See Through
Calar a alguien- I saw through Jo's behaviour and her intentions didn't surprise me.

Mantener a alguien a flote- When Pete was depressed, all his friends saw him through.
Have Up
Llevar a alguien a juicio

Harry has been had up for briberies in the company.
Look To
Esperar que alguien haga algo por ti

We look to Margaret to help us pass the exam.
Run Up
Contraer, crear, hacerse, izar- The youngest students used to run up the flag every morning.

Against - encontrarse con, tener que vérselas con alguien- If you go to Harvard you'll run up against a lot of foreign students.
Take Down
Bajar Could you take that box down the shelf? I can't reach it.

Tomar nota- The students took down a lot of notes on that subject.
Enter Up
Mantener un registro de cuentas, etc

Has Phillip entered up the figures for last month's sales?.
Help Out
Ayudar a alguien

I think that Johnny needs you to help him out.
Leaf Through

I leaf through the newspaper and then read what I find interesting.
Mix Up

Michael is always mixing up our names.
Prey On
Cazar y comer- It is well known that spiders prey on a large variety of insects.

Inquietar- The final exam is preying on me, it seems to be very difficult.
El examen final me está inquietando, parece ser muy difícil.
Switch Off

If you are not watching TV, switch it off.
Wear On
Transcurrir lentamente

Time seems to wear on when you are waiting for the test results.
Come Across
Encontrarse con, toparse con

Joey came across a very interesting book the other day.
Blimp Out
Ponerse gordo

He eats tons of junk food-he'll blimp out pretty soon.
Eat In
Comer en casa

It's freezing out there, let's eat in today.
Paper Over
Reparar superficialmente, esconder algo

I think they are trying to paper over their separation.
Sell Off
Vender un stock a muy bajo costo

My parents decided to close the shop and sell off the stock.
Wake Up

You don't have to wake up early tomorrow, I'll do the housework.
Have Against
Estar en desacuerdo con alguien o algo por una razón en particular,

I have nothing against Joey, but I don't like his manners.
Look For

Paul was looking for the best necklace to give to his girlfriend.
Turn Out
Resultar- Meg was afraid about not passing the exam, but it turned out fine.

Apagar Please turn out the light when you leave.

To be - resultar ser- The film seemed good at first, but it turned out to be very boring.
Cast About/ Around
Buscar/tratar de encontrar

When she asked him why he was so late, he cast about for an excuse.
Pull Out Of
Partir, salir

The train was pulling out of the station when Joey arrived.
Knuckle Down To
Trabajar duro, seriamente

If we want to finish by noon we'll have to knuckle down to work right now.
Number Along
Estar incluído en un grupo determinado

Sam numbered among the people who fled the country during the war.
Read Up On
Estudiar, leer acerca de algo

Before the interview, read up on the company and what they do.