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wind up/ winds up, wound up, wound up, winding up.

I overslept because I forgot to wind up my alarm clock.
dar cuerda a algo.
When you turn the handle or key of a mechanical toy, watch, or clock to make it operate, you wind it up.

This toy doesn't use batteries. You have to wind it up.
Wind up

wind up/ winds up, wound up, wound up, winding up.

We got totally lost and wound up 100 miles from the campground.
When you say that someone or something winds up a certain way or winds up doing something, you mean that this situation was the result of a series of decisions, actions, or unplanned and unexpected occurrences. End up is similar to wind up dead.

If you don't start driving more carefully, you're going to wind up dead.
Butt in
butt in/butts in, butt in, butt in, butting in

When you enter a conversation, situation, or place (specially a line) aggressively, rudely, and without invitation, you butt in.

I was trying to talk to Jim at the party, but Bob kept butting in.
meterse en una linea o en una conversacion,
When you enter a conversation, situation, or place (specially a line) aggressively, rudely, and without invitation, you butt in.

My father taught me that it's not polite to butt in line. You have to go to the back and wait your turn.
Put away/ puts away, put away, put away, putting away.

I told you put away your toys before you go outside.
guardar algo
When you return something to the place where it is usually stored while it is not being used, you put it away.

Todd always dries the dishes and I put them away.
Use up/ uses up, used up, used up, using up

After you use something up, be sure to write it on the grocery list.
acabarse algo
When you use up something, you use all of it.

I used up all the glue; we need to buy more.
Hand in/ hands in, handed in, handed in, handing in.

The test must be handed in no later than 11:00.
Regresar algo asignado
When you complete a test, report, or proyect and you give it to the person who assigned you the work, you hand it in or hand in the work.

He finished his investigation and handed his report to the committee.
Leave off/ leaves off, left off, left off, leaving off.

After what happened at the last party, Dan wasn't surprised that he was left off the guest list.
When you do not include people or things on a list, either accidentally or deliberately, you leave them off.

Check to make sure you don't leave anyone off the list.
Leave off
leave off/ leaves off, left off, left off, leaving off.

Ok. class, we left off on page 92 last week, so open your books to page 93.
interrumpir algo
When you interrump something that you intend to finish after you leave off at the point where you stop.

Finish your story, uncle Fred. You left off where the giant octopus was about to eat you.
light up/ lights up, lit up, lit up, lighting up.

The police lit the house up with their spotlights.
iluminar o encender
When you light up a cigarette, cigar or pipe, you make it start burning. When you shine lights on something or attach lights to something you light it up.

Lighting a cigarette up next to the gasoline truck was the last thing he ever did.
Blow away/ blows away, blew away, blown away, blowing away.

Don't leave the newspaper outside. The wind will blow it away.
When the wind moves something away from where it was , it blows it away.

The picnic wasn't much fun. It was really windy, and everything kept blowing away.
Blow...away (informal).
blow away/ blows away, blew away, blown away, blowing away.

Apple's new computer is so fast. It's going to blow away the competition.
superar algo o alguien
When a person or company has an ability, product, or service that is much better than that of a competing person or company; it blows away the competing person or company.

I thought I had a chance to win the race, but Erick just blew me away.
Blow...away (informal)
blow away/ blows away, blew away, blown away, blowing away.

The first time I saw the Pyramids, they just blew me away.
When something you have seen or heard makes you very shocked, amazed or emotional, it blows you away.

I was blown away when my mother told me that I was adopted.