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What is Personality disorder?
is a marked disturbance in personality functioning, which is nearly always associated with considerable personal and social disruption.
What are the central manifestations of Personality Disorder?
- impairments in functioning of aspects of the self and/or problems in interpersonal functioning
- Impairments in self-functioning and/or interpersonal functioning manifested in maladaptive patterns of cognition, emotional experience, emotional expression, and behaviour.
Severity levels of Personality Disorder:
Mild Personality Disorder
Moderate Personality Disorder
Severe Personality Disorde
Personality Difficulty is not classified as a mental disorder, but what is it's definition?
pronounced personality characteristics that may affect treatment or health services but do not rise to the level of severity to merit a diagnosis of Personality Disorder
5 trait domains specifiers in Personality Disorder and Pesonality Difficulty and an extra specifier by clinicians:
- Negative Affectivity
- Detachment
- Dissociality
- Disinhibition
- Anankastia
- Borderline pattern
Personality Disorder characteristics are presented in an extension of what period of time?
- 2 years or more
Behavior pattern in Personality Disorder is characterized by?
disturbance are not developmentally appropriate and cannot be explained primarily by social or cultural factors, including socio-political conflict.
Behavior pattern in Personality Disorder is characterized by disturbances related to:
substantial distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.
Essential Requiered diagnostic features in Personality Disorder:
- An enduring disturbance characterized by problems in functioning of aspects of the self and/or interpersonal dysfunction.
- Disturbance has persisted 2 years or more
- Disturbance is manifested in patterns of cognition, emotional experience, emotional expression, and behaviour that are maladaptive
- The disturbance is manifest across a range of personal and social situations, though it may be consistently evoked by particular types of circumstances and not others.
- The symptoms are not due to the direct effects of a medication or substance, or any other mental disorder, disease or medical condition
- The disturbance is associated with substantial distress or significant impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning.
- Personality Disorder should not be diagnosed if the patterns of behaviour characterizing the personality disturbance are developmentally appropriate or can be explained primarily by social or cultural fact
Emotional Mnaifestations in Personality Disorder:
- Range and appropriateness of emotional experience and expression.
- Tendency to be emotionally over- or underreactive.
- Ability to recognize and acknowledge emotions that are difficult or unwanted by the individual
Cognitive manifestations in Personality Disorder:
- Accuracy of situational and interpersonal appraisals, especially under stress.
- Ability to make appropriate decisions in situations of uncertainty.
- Appropriate stability and flexibility of belief systems
Behavioural manifestations: in Personality Disorder:
- Flexibility in controlling impulses and modulating behaviour based on the situation and consideration of the consequences.
- Appropriateness of behavioural responses to intense emotions and stressful circumstances (e.g., propensity to self-harm or violence).
What is Mild personality disorder?
- All general diagnostic requirements for Personality Disorder are met.
- It only affects some personality functioning areas not all
- problems in many interpersonal relationships and/or in performance of expected occupational and social roles, but some relationships are maintained
- Not associated with self-harm
Mild personality disorder essential features?
- All PDisorders requierments are met
- Some areas of functioning of the self are affected other not
- Interpersonal relatioship problems exist but some relationships are maintained
- Mild personality disturbances
- Not self harm or others
- Associated with distress or impairments
Essential feautures in Moderate personality disorder:
- All PDisorder requierments are met
- Disturbances affect multiple areas of functioning of the self
- problems in most interpersonal relationship and occupational roles are compromised
- Relationships characterized by conflict, avoidance, withdrawal ore extreme dependecy
- Sometime associated with self-harm and others
- marked impairment in personal, family, social, educational, occupational or other important areas of functioning but can be maintained
Essential feautures in Severe personality disorder:
- All PDisorder requierments are met
- Severe disturbances in multiple areas of functioning of the self
- interpersonal functioning seriously affect, absent or severe compromised occupational roles
- Self-harm and others
- evere impairment in all or nearly all areas of life,
What is Negative affectivity in personality disoder or personality difficulty?
tendency to experience a broad range of negative emotions
Negative affectivity in personality disoder or personality difficulty diagnostuc requierments:
- Experiencing a broad range of negative emotions with a frequency and intensity out of proportion to the situation.
- Emotional lability and poor emotion regulation
- Negativistic attitudes
- Low self-esteem and self-confidence
- Mistrustfulness
What is Detachment in personality disorder or personality difficulty?
the tendency to maintain interpersonal distance and emotional distance
Diagnostic requierments in Detachment in personality disorder or personality difficulty:
- Social detachment
- Emotional detachment
What is Dissociality in personality disorder or personality difficulty?
disregard for the rights and feelings of others, encompassing both self-centeredness and lack of empathy
Diagnostic requierments in Dissociality in personality disorder or personality difficulty:
- Self-centerdness
- lack of empathy
What is Disinhibition in personality disorder or personality difficulty?
tendency to act rashly based on immediate external or internal stimuli without consideration of potential negative consequences.
Diagnostic requierments in Disinhibition in personality disorder or personality difficulty:
- Impulsivity
- Distractibility
- Irresponsability
- Recklessness
- Lack of planning
What is Anankastia in personality disorder or personality difficulty?
is a narrow focus on one’s rigid standard of perfection and of right and wrong, and on controlling one’s own and others’ behaviour and controlling situations to ensure conformity to these standards.
Diagnostic requierments in Anankastia in personality disorder or personality difficulty:
- Perfectionism
- Emotional and behavioural constraint: inflexibility
What is Borderline pattern?
individuals whose pattern of personality disturbance is characterised by a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity
Diagnostic Requierments Boderline pattern:
Overlap with Negative Affectivity, Dissociality and Disinhibition
- Frantic efforts to avoid or imagined abandonment
- Pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships
- unstable self-image or sense of self.
- A tendency to act rashly in states of high negative affect, leading to potentially self-damaging behaviour
- Selfharm
- Emotional instability
- Chronic feelings of emptiness.
- inappropriate intense anger or difficulty controlling anger
- Transient dissociative symptoms or psychotic-like features|
What is secondary personality change?
Syndrome characterised by a persistent personality disturbance that represents a change from the individual’s previous characteristic personality pattern that is judged to be a direct pathophysiological consequence of a health condition
Diagnostic requierments secondary personality change:
- Personality disturbance
- direct pathophysiological consequence of a medical condition,
- Not accounted by Delirium, dementia or other