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According to section 29, who will return with the Savior when he reveals himself from heaven?
All of the hosts thereof and the 12 apostles.
Section 45, what does it mean "until the times of the gentiles be fulfulled"?
It will be fulfilled in this dispensation when it goes to the Jews.
Section 43, the "end of the earth" will occur before/after Satan is loosed.
In June 1831, there were approximately [blank] members of the church.
True or False. There will be no resurrection during the millenium.
Who said, "She professed to be a prophetess of the Lord, and professed to have many revelations, and knew the book of Mormon was true, and that she should become a teacher in the church of Christ."
John Whitmer about Mrs. Hubble.
Where will the New Jersalem be located?
Jackson County, Missouri (Independence)
Section 45, who said, "we do no know when the calamaties and troubles of the last days will fall upon any of us.
Bruce R. McConkie
What section do we read of the Olivet discourse?
Section 30, David Whitmer was rebuked for what reason?
Failure to diligently serve.
"I was one of the seven High Priests appointed to preside in the Church in Jackson County. I was Church historian and editor of important Church publications. I fell away from the church. What am I?"
John Whitmer
Complete the Verse, "And isreal shall be saved in mine own due time;...........
and by the keys which I have given shall they be led, and no more be confounded at all.
"I was an eloquent speaker, even moving my audience to tears. I was converted by the spirit concerning the sixteen pages of the Book of Mormon. I eventually fell away, but then returned to the Church. Who am I?"
Thomas B. Marsh
Who was called to be "a physician unto the church"?
Thomas B. Marsh
How old was Orson Pratt when he firt heard the message of the restored gospel?
19 years old.
Sidney Rigdon was called to perform what special labor in section 35?
Baptize and confer the Holy Ghost.
Section 32, who said, "The lamanites must rise again in dignity and strength to fully join their brethren and sisters."
President Spencer W. Kimball
Difference between a resurrected and translated being.
Translated have power over death, death is held in abeyance according to the will of the God. Can't enter into rest until they have undergone a change equivalent to death. Ex.. John the beloved. Resurrection is reuniting the spirit and physical body of flesh and bones.
Section 7, What are the keys held by Peter, James, and John?
Keys of the ministry.
What two reasons does the text give for the Lord's call to Ohio?
economic benefits
escape NY persecutions
centralize scattered branches
more members in Ohio
Closer to Lamanites
Place for the temple
Where was Oliver Cowdery at the time of the move to Ohio?
On the mission to the Lamanites (NY, Ohio, and Missouri)
What instruction was Joseph given in section 37 regarding the inspired translation of the Bible at this time? Why?
The revision of the bible was continued later because of thy enemies.
Explain "common stock" (section 41). What was it replaced witha few days later?
It means holding all property in common. The law of common consent
Who said, "as important as it is to have this vision in mind, defining and describing Zion will not bring it about. That can only be done through consistent and concerted daily effort by every single member of the Church"?
Spencer W. Kimball
Where was most of the translation of the bible complete?
Ohio. At John Johnson's home.
"I was a minister for 40 years before I joined the Church. My conversion required me to abandon past beliefs, find new employment, and move with the Saints to Ohio. I rejected the word of the Lord and went back to my former beliefs. Who am I?"
James Covill
Who was the first bishop by the church?
Edward Partridge
What problems had James Covill been plagued with in the past?
He did not act in sincerity. Pride.
What law was revealed in these sections 42-44?
The law of consecration
How will the righteous “not taste of death”?
Free from anguish and torment of soul. They won’t die the second death
True or False? Private ownership of property was encouraged in the law of consecration?
Who said, “At no time during the Prophet’s career did the care of the poor escape his attention or become a matter of indifference for him. He was a man of large benevolence, and his sympathies were quickly aroused by any tale of sorrow or appeal for relief”?
George Q. Cannon
According to Cecil B. DeMille, what is law’s two fold purpose?
To govern and to educate
True or False? Equality in the Law of consecration means that everyone gets the same amount. A law of commonality?
False. Means every man’s share will vary based on circumstances
-His family, wants, and needs
The major responsibility for implementing the United Order rested with whom?
The 4th General Church Conference took place on..........in............
June 3 1831. Kirtland, Ohio.
Who said, “I am confident that there is a time to die. I am not a fatalist. I believe that many people die ‘before their time’ because they are careless, abuse their bodies, take unnecessary chances, or expose themselves to hazards, accidents, and sickness. . .”?
Spencer W Kimball
What is the relationship between the building of Zion and the Law of Consecration?
Teaching how to be a covenant people. The law on which Zion is to be built
What was the reason the Joseph Smith gave to Parley P. Pratt for why he was not using the Urim and Thummim as he received revelations?
The Urim and Thummim were tools used when he was inexperienced.
To know that Jesus is the Christ
More than just belief in Jesus Christ. Only obtained through revelation.
Every member should have impression of this knowledge from the HG
To believe on the testimony of others
Usually found in those who investigate the church. They don’t yet have
their own testimony. 46:14
To know the differences of administration
To know distinct varieties of service and ministration in the Church. Being able to discern correctly the services and agencies of the Lord. 46:15
To know the diversities of operations
Distinguish between those things that are of the devil and the things that are of God. Prevents deception. 46:16
To have the gift of wisdom
Wisdom is given to those who ask liberally. 46:17
To have the gift of discerning spirits
Acute sensitivity to spiritual impressions. Detect hidden evil and find the good that’s concealed. Uncovers men for their better natures. 46:23
To have the gift of tongues
One of most misunderstood gifts. Given to give an unusual message or communicate with those who speak a different language, as on the day of Pentecost. Ultimate design is to speak to foreigners. 46:24-25
(True or False?) The Lord grants us each special gifts of our own, therefore, it is wrong to pray to have other gifts of the spirit.