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Do animals have neuroplasticity?
Yes, they can learn new tricks or know how to use tools.
Do animal have "primitive" symbolic systems?
Yes, for example dogs assign a meaning to their toys.
Do animals have liberty, rationality and morality?
It has been observed reciprocity and a basic sense of fairness.
Why sometimes is ventajous for us to make a disctinction from humans and animals?
Most of the times we're only interested in justifying our practices towards non-humans.
What are the alleged "distinctions" between humans and animals?
-Human exceptionalism
The category of "human" is important because of the social meaning we give to it. However we cannot favor the interests of humans over other species that deserve consideration too.
Human exceptionalism
We usually think that there are distinctly human capacities that give us moral status over other animals. For example, social ties, expressing emotions, solving social problems. The tu}ruth is that other animals can do that as well.
Some people argue that because of our reflective capacities, we can determine when and wheter to act on our impulses .
What is the problem with the personhood argument?
In that sense, there are humans that are not persons because they don't have rational, self reflective capacities. For example, infants, children, people in comma, autism.
How do we solve the "personhood problem"?
It's not matter of disrespecting our humanity by acting inhumane to non persons, it is all about not disrespecting non persons even if they don't share this rational nature. It is more important to consider the similarities than the differences.
Similarities between humans and non-persons
-We are experiencing subjects of a life.
-We share natural capacities, like the desire tu survive and avoid pain.
-We are sentient beings:
"Any being that has an interest in not suffering deserves to have that interest taken into account."
Peter Singer
Justice for non-humans
We all share the same world and its resources with other intelligent creatures. The relationships must be regulated by justices and not based in war and power.
Dignified existence for non-persons
-Adequate opportunities for nutrition
-Freedom from pain, squalor or cruelty.
-Freedom to be as they are and not to be used to performed silly stunts.
-Freedom from fear.
-Enjoy the light and air in tranquility.
Animal rights - Absolutist view
Extreme view, not to hurt or kill animals in any moment.
Animal rights - Utilitarian view
Dignified and ethical use of animals.