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18 Cartas en este set

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• Item
the highest identified object in the process and the starting point for product-specific safety development.
• Element
anything in a system that can be identified and manipulated.
• Error
Discrepancy between a computed, observed or measured value or condition, and the true, specified or theoretically correct value or condition.
• Fault
Abnormal condition that can cause an element or an item to fail.
• Failure
Termination of an intended behaviour of an element or an item due to a fault manifestation.
• Fault Tolerance
Ability to deliver a specified functionality in the presence of one or more specified faults.
• Malfunctioning Behaviour
Failure or unintended behaviour of an item with respect to its design intent.
• Hazard
Potential source of harm (physical injury or health damage) caused by malfunctioning behaviour of the item.
• Functional Safety
Absence of unreasonable risk due to hazards caused by malfunctioning behaviour of Electrical/Electronic systems.
• Hazardous Event
combination of a vehicle-level hazard and an operational situation of the vehicle with potential to lead to an accident if not controlled by timely driver action.
• Safety Goal
is a top-level safety requirement that is assigned to a item
• Safety Requirement
includes all safety goals and all levels of requirements decomposed from the safety goals down to and including the lowest level of functional and technical safety requirements allocated to hardware and software components.
• Safety Life Cycle
identify and evaluate safety risks, establish specific safety requirements to reduce those risks to acceptable levels, and manage and track those safety requirements to delivered a final product with those requirements implemented.
Hazard and Operability to determining potential problems that may be uncovered by reviewing the safety of designs and revisiting existing processes
Functional Safety Concept: we use the derived safety goals to define functional safety requirements.
Functional safety assessment
Activity to determine if the safety system does meet the specification and actually achieve functional safety (freedom from unacceptable risk)
ISO 8800
Safety and Artificial Intelligence
Functional Safety concept
we use the derived safety goals to define functional safety requirements