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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Settled (adj)

Towards (prep)

Swamp (n)

Swamp (v)

Flake (n)
If you feel settled in a job, school, etc., you have become familiar with it and are comfortable and happy there (comodo)

In the direction of, or closer to someone or something (hacia)

(An area of) very wet, soft land (pantano)

To cover a place or thing with a large amount of water (inundar) or to have too many of something, or to give someone too much to do (estar abrumado)

Someone to cancels a lot of plans or a person you cannot trust to remember things or to do what they promise, or someone who behaves in a strange way
Beaver (n)

Gerbil (n)

Sloth (n)

Gnu (n)

Cougar/puma (n)
An animal with smooth fur, sharp teeth, and a large, flat tail. Beavers build dams (= walls of sticks and earth) across rivers (castor)

A small animal, similar to a mouse with long back legs, that is often kept as a pet (jerbo;tipo de raton mascota)

A mammal that moves slowly and lives in trees (perezoso) or unwillingness to work or make any effort (pereza)

A large African animal that has a long tail and horns that curve to the sides and lives in areas covered with grass (ñu)

A large, brown wild cat that lives in North and South America (puma)
Aardvark (n)

Walrus (n)

Anteater (n)

Badger (n)

Hedgehog (n)
An African mammal with a long nose and large ears that lives underground and eats insects (cerdo hormiguero)

A mammal that lives in the sea and on beaches in the Arctic. It is similar to a seal but larger, with two tusks and long hairs growing near its mouth (morsa)

A mammal that lives in the sea and on beaches in the Arctic. It is similar to a seal but larger, with two tusks and long hairs growing near its mouth (oso hormiguero)

An animal with a flat body, wide feet with long claws, and strong jaws, that lives underground and comes out to feed at night. There are six main types of badger. Most have narrow faces, heads with light and dark hair, and brown or gray hair on their bodies (tejon)

A small, brown mammal with a covering of sharp spines on its back (erizon)
Mole (n)

Springbok (n)

Weasel (n)

Otter (n)

Platypus (n)
A small mammal that is almost blind, has dark fur, and lives in passages that it digs underground (topo)

An animal found in Southern Africa that is reddish-brown with a white back end, has hoofs, and can jump very high (antílope)

A small mammal with reddish-brown fur and a long body that can kill other small animals such as mice and birds for food (comadreja)

A mammal with four legs and short brown fur that swims well and eats fish (nutria)

An Australian river mammal with a wide beak whose young are born from eggs (ornitorrinco)
Meerkat (n)

Bobcat (n)

Coatí (n)

On top of (prep)

Courgette (n)
A small, grey Southern African animal that sometimes sits up on its back legs (suricata)

A North American wild animal of the cat family with brown hair, pointed ears, and a short tail (lince)

A small, yellowish-white animal with a long body, bred for hunting rabbits and other small animals (huron)

On top of is also used to mean in addition to, esp. something unpleasant (encima/además/también)

A long, thin vegetable with a dark green skin. It is a type of small marrow (calabacín)
Track (v)

Track (n)

Split (v)

Inner (adj)

Revenue (n)
To follow a person or animal by looking for proof that they have been somewhere, or by using electronic equipment (rastrear/seguir)

The pair of long metal bars fixed on the ground at an equal distance from each other, along which trains travel (vias del tren) or a path or rough road that is made of soil rather than having a surface covered with stone or other material (camino) or a type of path or road, often in the shape of a ring, that has been specially designed and built for sports events, especially racing (pista de carreras) or a mark or line of marks left on the ground or on another surface by an animal, person, or vehicle that has moved over it, showing the direction they moved in (marcas/pistas)

To (cause to) divide into two or more parts, especially along a particular line (dividir/separar)

Inside or contained within something else (interior/interna)

The income that a government or company receives regularly (ingresos)
Income (n)

Dig (v)

Hook (n)

Hook (v)

Flatter/fawn/praise (v)
Money that is earned from doing work or received from investments (sueldo/ingreso/renta)

To break up and move soil using a tool, a machine, or your hands (cavar)

A curved device used for catching or holding things, especially one attached to a surface for hanging things on (gancho)

To fasten something with a hook, hang something on a hook, or catch something with a hook (enganchar)

To praise someone in order to make them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a way that is not sincere (halagar/adular)
Beg/plead (v)

Idiom (n)

Blessing (n)

Chin (n)

Socks (n)
To make a very strong and urgent request (suplicar/rogar)

A group of words in a fixed order that have a particular meaning that is different from the meanings of each word on its own (modismos/expressiones)

A request by a priest for God to take care of a particular person or a group of people, or God's act of doing this (bendición)

The part of a person's face below their mouth (menton)

A piece of clothing made from soft material that covers your foot and the lower part of your leg (calcetin)