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Peace jounalism
1. Is responsible
2. Is conflict sensitive
3. Needs independence
4. Provides transparency
5. Is quality journalism
6. Is in need of prerequisites
7. Remains a challenge
How is a conflict resolved?
1. One party prevails: loser is angry and wants revenge, unsatisfied.
2. Withdrawal: one party just walks away. Neither group is satisfied.
3. Compromise: each group gets at least some part of the goal but unequally distributed.
4. Transcendence: conflict is resolved without violence. It is a perfect solution that satisfy both groups equally and the communities proposals are being heard.
Causes of conflict
1. Scarce resources or unfairly shared.
2. No communication between the groups
3. Incorrect ideas about each other.
4. Unresolved grievances from the past.
5. Power is unevenly distributed.
Conflict definition
Situation where two or no ore individuals or groups try to pursue goals or ambitions which they believe they cannot share.

Not all conflict is violent.

Conflict is normal when there is a change.
Military ways of endangering peace
1. Threat perception
2. Enemy image
3. Violence expectation
4. Reaction: armature
5. Security dilemma: who fires first, dies second.
6. Consequence: international arms race
Cultural violence definition
It is a way of thinking about the other group. Includes talk, images, beliefs which glorify physical violence.
Types of cultural violence
- hate speech
- xenophobia
- myths and legends about war heroes
- religious justification of violence
- gender discrimination
Definition structural violence
Harm which is built into the laws and traditional behavior of a group. Harm is permitted or ignored by the authorities.
Types of structural violence
- institutionalized racism or sexism
- colonialism
- extreme exploitation
- corruption or nepotism
- structural segregation
Stages of conflict of Glasl
1. Hardening
2. Polarization
3. Action, no words
4. Images and coalitions
5. Loss of face
6. Strategies of threat
7. Limited destructive blows
8. Fragmentation
9. Together in the abyss
Journalism unconscious roles
1. Channeling communication
2. Educating
3. Confidence building
4. Correcting misperceptions
5. Making them human
6. Identifying underlying interests
7. Emotional outlet
8. Framing the conflict
9. Face-saving, consensus building
10. Solution building
11. Encouraging a balance of power
11 good practices of journalism that can help to reduce a conflict through the reporting
What good journalism includes
1. Accuracy
2. Impartiality (balance)
3. Responsibility
War or violence journalism
1. War and violence oriented
2. Propaganda oriented
3. Elite oriented
4. Victory oriented
Peace and conflict journalism
1. Peace and or conflict oriented
2. Truth oriented
3. People oriented
4. Solution oriented
Escalation steps
1. Cooperation
2. Perspective divergence
3. Competition
4. Confrontation
5. War
Def negative and positive peace
Negative: absence of overt violent conflict

Positive: range of relationships up to where nations or any group in conflict might have collaborative and supportive relationships. Absence of structural violence, pressures and institutional oppression.
Galtung's triangle
1. Behavior: the behavior shows aggression and you can recognize a conflict. Manifest area.
2. Attitude: it is the conviction that you are right in your position. It is funded in the latent area.
3. Contradiction: area where you cannot find an agreement with the opponent. Enemies are always going to have confrontational opinions. Latent area.
Matrix of the conflict
1. Win win orientation: both parties are fully satisfied
2. Classic compromise: both parties will be equally satisfied but not 100%.
3. Option zero: what one wins, losses the other. One party is unsatisfied.
4. Loose loose: together in the abyss. One eliminates the other but suffers also great loss. No one wins.
Conflict sensitive reporting Galtung's high road
1. Search for new voices and ideas
2. Not showing bare facts
3. Engaged in search for solutions
4. Search for stories common to both sides
5. Diversity in newsrooms
7. Not patriotic
8. Choose words carefully
9. Be transparent
10. Humanizes all sides
11. Win win orientation
12. Pro-active: prevention
12 peace conflict journalism