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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Decide On

The director has already decided on the team.
Draw Back
Volver atrás

Think it twice, then you can't draw back.
Enter Into
Involucrarse en una discusión- Jack would never enter into a discussion on politics.

Estar conectado con- Centuries ago in the past, love didn't really enter into marriage.
Fiddle About
Perder el tiempo

Stop fiddling about with that computer and get to work!.
Go For
Gustar- I prefer French fries, I don't go for sweets very much.

Atacar -The dog tried to go for the child, but the owner saw it and tethered it.

Optar por, escoger- If I had to choose between Paris or Madrid, I'd go for Paris.
Heap Up
Conseguir gran cantidad de algo, especialmente dinero o información por un largo período

Bob told me that he's heaped up lots of money working with Mr. Smith.
Cast Out

She was cast out by her family when they found out she was pregnant.
Barge In / Into
Entrar e irrumpir en un lugar sin permiso

It's rude of you to barge into the classroom without knocking.
Ask For
Pedir -This year Boby will ask for a new bike for Christmas.

Pedir por alguien- A client phoned and asked for the lawyer of the company.
Add Up

When I go shopping, I always add everything up before paying.
Turn Down
Rechazar- Al turned down a great job offer because he had to move to Rome.

Bajar, reducir- Please turn down the air conditioning, I'm freezing.
Throw In
Incluir, añadir

The box of chocolates you want to buy also throws in a nice little card.
Go Across
Cruzar, atravesar

The first team going across the river will win the championship.
Get Down
Escribir- Get the agreement down on paper so we can all sign it.

Deprimir- Mary looks so sad. Her divorce has really got her down.

Agacharse- When Kelly saw the man with a gun, she immediately got down.

On - pensar que alguien o algo está mal y criticarlo por eso -My mother keeps getting down on me for going out every night.

To - ponerse a hacer algo seriamente y con mucho esfuerzo- The exam is the day after tomorrow, so let's get down to study.
Look Over
Echar un vistazo, examinar

Before going to work, Alice looks over the newspaper.
Put To
Sugerir un plan o idea así se puede discutir acerca de esta, hacer que alguien gaste tiempo o dinero en algo que no quiere

I'll put to the boss the idea I have to improve the production.
Take For
Tomar por

What do you take me for? I won't lie to Jane.
Turn Into

It's so naive of you to think that Tony will turn into a faithful man.
Give Over To
Dedicar, encomendar

When my children were born, I gave myself over to raising them.
Go By
Pasar por- I have to go by the store to buy batteries before we go to Jo's.

Guiarse por- During the test, go by your common sense apart from what you've studied.

Transcurrir- Time goes by and Frank can't find a job.
Go Forward
Avanzar, seguir adelante, presentarse- Our team won the match. Now we are going forward to the final.

With - comenzar a hacer algo que tenías planeado hacer- Clara will go forward with the violin classes next month.
Let Down
Defraudar a alguien

I thought Sarah would help me get a job, but she let me down.
Look Down On

The kid looked down on the food his father had prepared.
Make Out
Comprender- Angela is trying to make out why her husband has quit his job.

Fingir- Stop making out that you don't understand my question.

Emitir un documento- He made out a check for ten thousand dollars! I couldn't believe it!

Distinguir, comprender- A plane flew by and I couldn't make out what Kate said.
Pull In
Detener, entrar, estacionar

When I was about to cross the street a car pulled in in front of me.
Put Out
Apagar, extinguir There were a lot of firemen trying to put out the fire.

Enojar, incomodar -Vera was quite put out by the situation so she got out of there.

Dislocar- The goalkeeper must have put his arm out when he fell.
Run Down
Agotarse- You won't be able to use my CD player, the batteries have run down

Menospreciar, criticar- My boss is always running down my work.
See Out

Sam was so badly injured that we wondered if she'd see the surgery out.
Set Down
Poner por escrito- Jenny didn't trust Joyce and asked him to set the agreement down.

Dejar bajar o subir a un pasajero - The bus driver stopped and set the old lady down at the corner.
Take Off
Quitar(se)- I took my coat off and put it in the closet but now it's gone!

Descontar- I got to the office five minutes late and they took it off my salary.

Despegar The plane takes off at seven, we have plenty of time for a drink.

Imitar- Jerry is so good at taking off Jack Nicholson.