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Cómo estudiar sus tarjetas

Teclas de Derecha/Izquierda: Navegar entre tarjetas.tecla derechatecla izquierda

Teclas Arriba/Abajo: Colvea la carta entre frente y dorso.tecla abajotecla arriba

Tecla H: Muestra pista (3er lado).tecla h

Tecla N: Lea el texto en voz.tecla n


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Put By
Ahorrar, reservar, guardar

Peter has been putting money by so he can come to Brazil with us.
Get Above
Volverse un engreído

Alan got above himself after being promoted to chief director.
Come Loose

Watch out! The rope has come loose!
Run In
Hacer funcionar The kid asked his grandfather to help him run in the electric train.

Manejar lentamente para no dañar el motor- Robert is still running his car in, he is not confident yet.
Set On
Agredir, atacar

Mike was set on by a fierce dog and now he is sueing its master.
Turn Off
Apagar, desenchufar, desconectar

Did you remember to turn the oven off before leaving?.
Cave In
Caer- The house we were to buy was so old the roof almost caved in.

Aceptar lo que antes uno se oponía a hacer- Peter didn't want to get married but he finally caved in.
Guard Against
Tomar precauciones

My son's learning to walk, I must guard against plugs, drawers and so on.
Launch Into
Comenzar con energía

George launched into a speech about how to improve work conditions.
Pass Out
Desmayarse, perder la conciencia

Suddenly a man on the bus passed out.
Read On
Seguir leyendo

I was reading when the phone rang, but I didn't answer and read on.
Slip Away

The kids found a way of slipping away and went to play in the garden.
Tear Off
Arrancar, romper

It is a tradition to tear off the paper of a present.
Call At
Visitar un lugar por un corto plazo

I called at the supermarket and bought a bottle of wine before coming.
Ring Up
Llamar por teléfono

Ring me up on Monday. I'll be able to give you an answer by then.
Come By
Conseguir, adquirir, visitar, entrar a ver

Well paid jobs sometimes are hard to come by.
Take After
Parecerse a

If you meet Mickey you'll realize that he's taken after his father.
Empty Out
Vaciar algo

Peg emptied out her purse and pockets looking for her keys.
Hear Of -(not)
Permitir algo

I want to go to India but my parents would never hear of it.
Come After
Perseguir a alguien, o buscar a alguien generalmente para castigarlo

The police are coming after the murderer.
Break For
Moverse rápidamente hacia algo

When you hear my signal, break for the exit and get out.
Do Without
Arreglárselas sin algo o alguien

Jonathan is on holiday, you will have to do without him.
Live Down

Michael will have to live down his lost somehow.
Send Away
Despedir, echar The very minute the boss found Nelson stealing he sent him away.

For - comprar por correo- Let me know if the mailman comes, I sent away for a new printer.
Tie Up
Atar- The police found the victim tied up in an abandoned house.

Estar tapado de trabajo- I won't be able to come tomorrow, I am tied up until Friday.
Wriggle Out Of

I have already called Jane, but I guess she is wriggling out of me.
Bring Out
Sacar, sacar a relucir, publicar, lanzar al mercado

The company where Alison works has just brought out the shoes for winter season.
Run To
Extenderse, elevarse a, ascender a

The final amount of the bill runs to five hundred pounds.
Drive Up
Llegar en auto

We were all surprised at seeing Dean driving up.
Hang Around
Hacer tiempo en algún lugar

The girls came early, so they kept hanging around for a while.