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Why the human do this?
Porque los humanos hacen esto?
to learn english is easy
aprender ingles es fácil
how do you say?
Como se dice?
Borrow your pen
prestame tu lapicero
Today i'm going to go to the GYM
hoy ire al gimnacio
I will go to
miami in August
ire a miami beach in august
The machines control the world
las maquinas dominaran el mundo
guardar dinero
save the money
pienso que los humanos moriremos en 25 años
i thing that human we die in 25 years
what the future hold
que nos depara el futuro
the animal lose their hom
los animales pierden su casa
what are you doing?
que estan haciendo?
I prove
yo pruebo
i'm sure is 20
estoy seguro es 20
ok what is the point?
ok cual es el punto
what happend dude?
que pasa amigo?
mira esa hermosa mujer
look this beauty girl
you come the future?
tu bienes del futuro?
this is a prank?
esto ea una broma?
everything is perfect
todo es perfecto
te ves bien
are you look great?
what i make i do?
que hago que hago?
what i do men?
que hago?
i love you with good fries
te quiero con papas fritas
i know you from hair to toe
te conosco desde los pelos hasta los pies
i come back!
yo volverè
can you help me?
me puedes ayudas?
now are you busy?
ahora estas ocupada?
soon will travel to colombia!
pronto viajare a colombia!
it will be very hot
hara mucho calor
temperatura en futuro
no quiero hacer nada
i not want to do nothing
what are you doing in the weekend?
que haces los fines de semana?
Currently you have husband, boyfriend, or no?
ahora tienes marido, novio, o no?
ninguna de las anteriores.
none of the above.
how many husbands have you had?
cuantos esposos has tenido?
are you believe in love?
tu crees en el amor?
i think it's lie!
yo creo que es mentira!
do you have pets?
do you have pets?
may go to the restroom?
puedo ir al baño?
may go to the restroom?
puedo ir al baño?
you overspend
gastaste mucho
we need get out now
necesitamos salir ahora
do you working?
estas trabajando?
where are you?
dondr estas?
what day is today?
always usually often sometimes rarely never
siempre.... nunca
how often do you go to parties?
i go to the party usually at night
go out with my friends?
get up early
what time do get up?
i get up at 7:40
why do you like in there?
porque te gusta ahi.
how does she go to school?
what is alex wearing?
what are doing the smiths?.
throw parties?
hacer fiestas
she does her homework at 6 o clock
ella hace su tarea a las 6
i agree
de acuerdo
i don't think s.
no creo *negative*
thow garbage
tirar basura
take out the trash
sacar la basura
it's a bloody awful
es un sitio asqueroso
the it crowd