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epidemic (noun)
a large number of cases of a particular disease or medical condition happening at the same time in a particular community
ephemeral (adjective)
lasting or used for only a short period of time
equitable (adjective)
fair and reasonable; treating everyone in an equal way
equivalent (noun)
"a thing, amount, word, etc. that is equal in value, meaning or purpose to something else"
escape (noun)
"[countable, uncountable] the act or a method of escaping from a place or an unpleasant or dangerous situation"
eulogy (noun)
eulogy (of/to somebody/something) a speech or piece of writing praising somebody/something very much
threatening (adjective)
expressing a threat of harm or violence
euphemism (noun)
"euphemism (for something) an indirect word or phrase that people often use to refer to something embarrassing or unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable than it really is"
evoke (verb)
"evoke something to bring a feeling, a memory or an image into your mind"
exacting (adjective)
needing or demanding a lot of effort and care about details
exceed (verb)
exceed something to be greater than a particular number or amount
exclaim (verb)
"?to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of strong emotion or pain"
summon (verb)
summon somebody (to do something) (formal) to order somebody to appear in court
draw (verb)
" [intransitive, transitive] to make pictures, or a picture of something, with a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)"
exonerate (verb)
to officially state that somebody is not responsible for something that they have been blamed for
exorbitant (adjective)
(of a price) much too high
expedient (noun)
"an action that is useful or necessary for a particular purpose, but not always fair or right"
expedite (verb)
expedite something to make a process happen more quickly - speed up
expend (verb)
"to use or spend a lot of time, money, energy, etc."
expertise (noun)
"expert knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or job"
use up (prhasal verb)
to use all of something so that there is none left
exposed (adjective)
"(of a place) not protected from the weather by trees, buildings or high ground - (of a person) not protected from attack or criticism"
exposure (noun)
"[uncountable, countable] exposure (to something) the state of being in a place or situation where there is no protection from something harmful or unpleasant"
extreme (noun)
"a feeling, situation, way of behaving, etc. that is as different as possible from another or is opposite to it"
fable (noun)
"[countable, uncountable] a traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially one with animals as characters; these stories considered as a group"
fabulous (adjective)
(informal) extremely good
praise (verb)
to say that you approve of and admire somebody/something