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lecture (verb)
"[intransitive] to give a talk or a series of talks to a group of people on a subject, especially as a way of teaching in a university or college - to criticize somebody or tell them how you think they should behave, especially when it is done in an annoying way"
likely (adjective)
having a good chance of happening or being something; probable or expected
linger (verb)
[intransitive] to continue to exist for longer than expected - [intransitive] (+ adv./prep.) to stay somewhere for longer because you do not want to leave; to spend a long time doing something
magnificent (adjective)
extremely attractive and impressive; deserving praise
magnify (verb)
"magnify something (to/by something) to make something look bigger than it really is, for example by using a lens or microscope"
mainly (verb)
more than anything else; also used to talk about the most important reason for something
chiefly (adverb)
"not completely, but as a most important part"
malfunction (verb)
"(of a machine, etc.) to fail to work correctly"
maliciously (adverb)
"in a way that shows a desire to harm somebody or hurt their feelings, caused by a feeling of hate - malevolently - spitefully"
matriarchy (noun)
a social system that gives power and authority to women rather than men
millennium (noun)
"a period of 1?000 years, especially as calculated before or after the birth of Christ"
misanthrope (noun)
a person who hates and avoids other people
momentum (noun)
the ability to keep increasing or developing
monarchy (noun)
"usually the monarchy  [singular, uncountable] a system of government by a king or a queen"
nearby (adjective)
near in position; not far away
nevertheless (adverb)
despite something that you have just mentioned
nonetheless (adverb)
despite this fact
nondescript (adjective)
having no interesting or unusual features or qualities - dull
notion (noun)
"an idea, a belief or an understanding of something"
novice (noun)
"a person who is new and has little experience in a skill, job or situation"
nowadays (adverb)
"at the present time, in contrast with the past"