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offering (noun)
"something that is produced for other people to use, watch, enjoy, etc."
official (adjective)
"[usually before noun] agreed to, said, done, etc. by somebody who is in a position of authority"
ominous (adjective)
suggesting that something bad is going to happen in the future
originally (adverb)
"used to describe the situation that existed at the beginning of a particular period or activity, especially before something was changed"
foreboding (noun)
a strong feeling that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen
overcome (verb)
overcome something to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been preventing you from achieving something
pacify (verb)
pacify somebody to make somebody who is angry or upset become calm and quiet
paradox (noun)
"[countable] a person, thing or situation that has two opposite features and therefore seems strange"
pardon (exclamation)
(also pardon me especially in North American English)  used to ask somebody to repeat something because you did not hear it or did not understand it
parity (noun)
"[uncountable] (formal) the state of being equal, especially the state of having equal pay or status"
patriarchy (noun)
"?a society, system or country that is ruled or controlled by men"
pedagogue (noun)
"a teacher; a person who likes to teach people things, especially because they think they know more than other people"
penetrate (verb)
"[transitive, intransitive] to go into or through something"
perimeter (noun)
the outside edge of an area of land
periphery (noun)
the outer edge of a particular area
permanently (adverb)
in a way that lasts for a long time or for all time in the future; in a way that exists all the time
pervade (verb)
?pervade something to spread through and be easy to notice in every part of something
phenomenon (noun)
"a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood"
philanthropy (noun)
"the practice of helping the poor and those in need, especially by giving money"
photogenic (adjective)
looking attractive in photographs
physical (adjective)
[usually before noun] connected with a person’s body rather than their mind
plenty (pronoun)
plenty (of something) a large amount; as much or as many as you need
possess (verb)
possess something (formal) to have or own something
posterity (noun)
all the people who will live in the future
practical (adjective)
connected with real situations rather than with ideas or theories