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What are the Scrum Events?
Sprint (containing event)
1. Sprint planning
2. Daily Scrum
3. Sprint review
4. Sprint Retrospective
Scrum Pillars
Scrum values
1. Commitment
2. Focus
3. Opennes
4. Respect
5. Courage
Scrum Team
Scrum Master
Product Owner
What is the purpose of Scrum events?
Inspection and adaptation
Why do Scrum events work?
Because they implement Scrum empirical pillars: transparency, inspection, and adaptation
What are the decisions in Scrum based on?
On the perceived state of the 3 formal artifacts (Product Backlog, Sprint Backlog, Increments)
Scrum Artifacts
Product Backlog
Sprint Backlog
What can diminish the value and increase risk?
Artifacts that have low transparency
Processes and work must be visible to the people who do and receive the work.
Transparency enables inspection.
Inspection with no transparency = wasteful and misleading
What enables inspection?
Frequent inspection of Scrum artifacts and progress towards the agreed goal, in order to detect potential variances or problems.
Inspection enables adaptation.
Adaptation with no inspection = pointless
How does Scrum help with Inspection?
Scrum provides cadence in the form of its 5 events
What enables adaptation?
When there is a deviation or the resulting product is unacceptable, the process/material must be adjusted asap to minimize further deviation.
What is a Scrum Team expected?
To adapt as soon as they learn anything new through inspection
When does adaptation become difficult?
When the people are not empowered or self-managing
How are Scrum Pillars connected?
Transparency (visibility) enables inspection.
Inspection enables adaptation (change and adjustment)
Commitment (value)
Scrum value
The Scrum Team commits to achieving its goals and to supporting each other
Scrum value
The primary focus is on the work of the Sprint to make the best possible progress toward these goals
Scrum value
The Scrum Team and its stakeholders are open about the work and the challenges.
Scrum value
Scrum Team members respect each other to be capable, independent people, and are respected
Scrum value
The Scrum Team members have the courage to do the right thing, to work on tough problems.
How do Scrum values help the Scrum Team?
These values give direction to the Scrum Team with regard to their work, actions, and behavior.
What should reinforce Scrum values?
Decisiones made, steps taken, and the way Scrum is used.
How do Scrum members learn and explore Scrum values?
As they work on Scrum events and artifacts
When do Scrum pillars come to life?
When the Scrum values are embodied by the team so trust is built
What is a cross-functional team?
Members have the skills necessary to create value each Sprint
What is the Scrum Team?
Unit of professionals focused on one objective at a time, the Product Goal.
Scrum events definition
Each event = formal opportunity to inspect and adapt artifacts.
Designed to enable transparency
Failure > loss of opportunities to inspect and adapt.
Create regularity and minimize the needs of other meetings.
Held same time and place = reduce complexity
Sprint definition
Def: all the work necessary to achieve the PRODUCT GOAL, includes four events (planning, daily, review, retro)
The heartbeat of Scrum = ideas turn into value
Fixed length for consistency
Starts right after the conclusion of the previous Sprint.
Each sprint = short project
Must of the sprints
- No changes are made that put at risk Sprint Goal
- Quality does not decrease
- Product Backlog is refined as needed
- Scope may be clarified and renegotiated with the PO as more is learned.
What is the sprint goal?
What does Sprint enable?
Predictability by ensuring inspection and adaptation of progress towards PRODUCT GOAL.
What may happen when a Sprint is too long?
The sprint goal may become invalid, complexity may rise, and risk may increase
What are the advantages of shorter sprints?
- Generate more learning cycles
- Limit the risk of cost and effort to a smaller time frame
What is a burn-down flow?
A burndown chart or burn down chart is a graphical representation of work left to do versus time. The outstanding work (or backlog) is often on the vertical axis, with time along the horizontal. Burn down charts are a run chart of outstanding work.
When can a sprint be canceled?
When the Sprint Goal becomes obsolete. Only the PO has the authority to do so.
What is a cumulative flow?
A chart representing the amount of work in different statuses for the sprint. It is used by the person who is responsible for the sprint execution, to identify the bottlenecks, measure lead time, and how the WIP is changing over time.
Burn-down vs. Burn-up
Both: used to show the progress of the sprint (work completed and work left to do)
Burn-up: how much work has been COMPLETED
Burn-dow: how much work is LEFT