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amiable (adjective)
pleasant; friendly and easy to like
amorous (adjective)
?showing sexual desire and love towards somebody
amphitheatre (noun)
a round building without a roof and with rows of seats that rise in steps around an open space. Amphitheatres were used especially in ancient Greece and Rome for public entertainments.
anachronism (noun)
"[countable] a person, a custom or an idea that seems old-fashioned and does not belong to the present"
ancient (adjective)
belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past
android (noun)
(in science fiction) a robot in the shape of a person
annals (noun)
an official record of events or activities year by year; historical records
annex (verb)
"annex something to take control of a country, region, etc., especially by force"
annoyed (adjective)
slightly angry - irritated
anthropology (noun)
"the study of the human race, especially of its origins, development, customs and beliefs"
anticipate (verb)
to expect something
appeal (noun)
"[countable, uncountable] a deeply felt request for money, help or information that is needed immediately, especially one made by a charity or by the police"
appealing (adjective)
attractive or interesting
appease (verb)
appease somebody to make somebody calmer or less angry by giving them what they want
hold out (phrasal verb)
"to last, especially in a difficult situation"
holdout (noun)
"a person, organization, or country that continues to do something, despite other people trying to force them not to"
approximately (adverb)
"used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or correct"
archetype (noun)
the most typical or perfect example of a particular kind of person or thing
approach (noun)
[countable] a way of dealing with somebody/something; a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem or a task
craft (noun)
"[countable, uncountable] an activity involving a special skill at making things with your hands - Artesanias"
assess (verb)
to make a judgement about the nature or quality of somebody/something
assumption (noun)
"[countable] a belief or feeling that something is true or that something will happen, although there is no proof"
auction (verb)
to sell something at an auction
bidder (noun)
a person or group that offers to pay an amount of money to buy something - postor
augment (verb)
"augment something to increase the amount, value, size, etc. of something"
wander (verb)
"[intransitive, transitive] to walk slowly around or to a place, often without any particular sense of purpose or direction"
shrink (verb)
"[intransitive, transitive] shrink (something) to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, cloth, etc. smaller in this way - encogerse"